github aptos-labs/aptos-core aptos-node-v1.13.1
[Testnet] Aptos Node Release v1.13.1

latest releases: aptos-node-v1.16.1-rc, aptos-node-v1.16.0-rc, aptos-framework-v1.15.0...
pre-releaseone month ago

Release Hash: 34a535e

CLI Version this release is compatible with: v3.3.1+

Validator Update Required? Y

Fullnode Update Required? Y

Aptos Improvement Proposals (AIPs)

Check out all of our AIPs and discussions here on GitHub

New features and enhancements

  • [AIP-73] Dispatchable Token Standard]: Developers can define their custom way of withdrawing and deposit for their fungible asset, allowing for a much more extensible way of using our Aptos Framework.
    • Ecosystem Impact: Defi developers
  • [AIP-83] Framework-level Untransferable Fungible Asset Stores: This enhancement will enable users to retrieve user transaction information directly in smart contracts. This feature is crucial for supporting the mechanism that enables custom user prologues and epilogues, which will be addressed in a separate AIP later.
    • Ecosystem Impact: Smart contact developers

Aptos Blockchain

Quorum Store

  • Improved logic for filtering duplicate transactions.


  • fixed performance issue where on node bootup truncation was done repeatedly on the state value data set
  • Performance improvement by adding StateKeyRegistry and avoid duplicating StateKeys at runtime.
  • Performance improvement by replacing small HashSets on JMT internal Nodes with ordered Slices (Node cloning is faster).
  • Performance improvement when throughput is high, by execution layer not requesting SMT internal nodes from the DB that are already cached.



  • Refactor MoveResolver to be used inside the VM only.
  • Support new randomness annotation parameter for customized gas deposit. (AIP: TBD).
  • Fixed error reporting logic in VM when a new frame is created


  • AIP-73: Dispatchable Token Standard
  • Migrate token v1 and other fixes of event v2 migration


  • Fixed broken HTML in gas profiler

Resolved Issues

Bug Fixes

  • Create token with collection object: #13215
    • Addresses the bug found in AIP-78

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