github apptainer/singularity v3.8.6
Singularity 3.8.6

latest release: v3.8.7
2 years ago

Changed behaviours and bug fixes

  • Update builds to require at least golang version 1.16.12, and update package builds to build the go toolchain from source if the provided version is too old.
  • Auto-generate release assets including the distribution tarball and rpm (built on CentOS 7) and deb (built on Debian 11) x86_64 packages.
  • Update dependency to correctly unset variables in container startup environment processing. Fixes regression introduced in singularity-3.8.5.
  • Remove subshell overhead when processing large environments on container startup.
  • make install now installs man pages. A separate make man is not required. As a consequence, man pages are now included in deb packages.

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