github apptainer/apptainer v1.2.4
Apptainer 1.2.4

latest releases: v1.3.2, v1.3.1, v1.3.0...
7 months ago

v1.2.4 - [2023-10-10]

  • Fixed a problem with relocating an unprivileged installation of apptainer on el8 and a mounted remote filesystem when using the --fakeroot option without /etc/subuid mapping. The fix was to change the switch to an unprivileged root-mapped namespace to be the equivalent of unshare -r instead of unshare -rm on action commands, to work around a bug in the el8 kernel.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 1.2.0 where the user's password file information was not copied in to the container when there was a parent root-mapped user namespace (as is the case for example in cvmfsexec).
  • Added the upcoming NVIDIA driver library to the list of libraries to add to NVIDIA GPU-enabled containers.
  • Fixed missing error handling during the creation of an encrypted image that lead to the generation of corrupted images.
  • Use APPTAINER_TMPDIR for temporary files during privileged image encryption.
  • If rootless unified cgroups v2 is available when starting an image but XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is not set, print an info message that stats will not be available instead of exiting with a fatal error.
  • Allow templated build arguments to definition files to have empty values.

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