github appsmithorg/appsmith v1.48
Release v1.48 🌈

3 hours ago

New Features:

  1. HTTP Port Customization in Helm Chart (#36763)

    Added support for customizing the HTTP port in Helm charts, providing more flexibility for deployment configurations.

  2. React-Compiler ESLint Plugin (#37139)

    Introduced a new ESLint plugin for the React compiler, enhancing code quality and consistency.

  3. Disabled Datasource Selector in Query Pages (#36940)

    Datasource selector is now disabled on query pages to prevent unintended changes during query creation.

  4. Update TableWidgetV2 with Custom isLoading Property (#36857)

    Enhanced TableWidgetV2 to include a customIsLoading property for better loading state control.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unmount Field Validation in JSON Form Widget (#37220, #37259)

    Added logic for field validation when unmounting in the JSON form widget, improving data integrity checks.

  2. JSON Form Validation on Child Update (#37128)

    Fixed an issue where JSON form validation was triggered unnecessarily when child components were updated.

  3. Skipped Unnecessary Code for JS Object Updates (#37125)

    Optimized JS object updates by skipping redundant code execution, improving performance.

  4. Removed Gap Between Tabs and List (#37242)

    Addressed visual inconsistencies by removing the gap between tabs and the list component.

  5. URL Handling in Table Columns (#37179)

    Enhanced URL handling by rendering URL column types with <a> tags for improved accessibility and usability.

  6. Instance Admin Restart Check (#37227)

    Ensured that a restart is triggered only when the current user is an instance admin, enhancing security.

  7. Padding and Scroll Fixes in Plugin Action Editor (#37203)

    Improved padding and scroll behavior in the Plugin Action Editor for better user experience.

  8. Query Response Count on Error in QueryDebuggerTabs (#35363)

    Fixed the response count display issue when errors occur in QueryDebuggerTabs.

  9. API Body Format Focus Retention (#37150)

    Resolved an issue where focus was lost in the API body format field, ensuring better user interaction.

  10. Datasource Name in Schema Pane (#37131)

    Fixed an issue where the datasource name was not correctly reflected in the schema pane.

  11. Feature Flags for Form Control Visibility (#37143)

    Applied feature flags to control the visibility of form components, maintaining UI consistency.

  12. FilterTableData Source of Truth (#36849)

    Fixed an issue to ensure filterTableData references the correct source of truth.

  13. Button Content Ellipsis and Tooltip in Table Widget (#36865)

    Added ellipsis and tooltip support for button content within the table widget for better content handling.

  14. Appsmith-CE Helm Charts Fixes (#37137)

    Fixed issues in the Appsmith Community Edition Helm charts for more reliable deployments.

  15. Large Number Parsing Edge Case (#37104)

    Addressed edge cases to avoid parsing very large numbers that could impact application performance.

  16. Avoid Unnecessary Page Layout Updates in JS Action Updates (#37062)

    Prevented unnecessary layout updates during JS action changes, improving update efficiency.

  17. Server-Side Pagination Page Offset (#36056)

    Corrected the pageOffset value handling when enabling server-side pagination, ensuring accurate data loading.

  18. Redundant JSObject Action Saving (#36958)

    Fixed redundant saving behavior for JSObject actions, enhancing performance.

  19. Google Sheets Query Execution Issue (#37006)

    Resolved an issue where Google Sheets queries were executed even after sheet changes, improving data accuracy.

  20. Highlight Position Fix (#37011)

    Fixed an issue with incorrect highlight positioning, enhancing UI clarity.

  21. Empty Chart Data Handling in ChartWidget (#37009)

    Refactored how empty chart data is handled in ChartWidget to prevent display issues.

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