New Feature
- MS-4412 Added support for listening to Ad Expiry events for Native Ads [https://wiki.xandr.com/x/ugPyBg]
- MS-4449 Added support for setting test flags to bypass request filtering (for testing purposes only)[https://wiki.xandr.com/x/MAPyBg]
- MS-4459 AuctionId information is now available through AdResponseInfo class
Mediation partner updates
- MS-4426 Upgraded Facebook SDK to v6.0.0
- MS-4499 Upgraded SmartAd Server SDK to v7.6.2
- MS-4498 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK to v7.66.0
- MS-4418 Discontinued support for Amazon, inMobi, Millennial Media and Mopub adapters.(Github Intent to Implement #53)
Improvements/Bug Fixes
- MS-4550 Updated GDPR logic. Now priority will be given to IAB TCF2.0 strings
- MS-4543 Fixed scrolling for Native Assembly WebView
- MS-4522 Fixed caching issues with ANAdvertisingIdentifier. Now it will be fetched for every single request.