github apple/swift-collections 0.0.2
Swift Collections 0.0.2

latest releases: 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.6...
3 years ago


  • OrderedSet now implements an efficient, linear time diffing algorithm, like Foundation's NSOrderedSet and SwiftUI's List. (#6)


  • We've worked around a nondeterministic build issue that triggered a compiler crash on a minority of machines. (#7)

Pull requests

(You can also find a full list of issues resolved and PRs merged in this release by looking at the 0.0.2 milestone.)

  • #6: Efficient diffing for OrderedSet (by @numist)
  • #8: Fixes link to combinatorics. (by @powerje)
  • #9: Minor doc fix (by @byaruhaf)
  • #12: Remove outdated passage in OrderedSet.init(minimumCapacity:persistent:) docs (by @lorentey)
  • #14: Correct typo for address sanitizer (by @toddpress)
  • #15: Update Package.resolved with swift-collections-benchmark package (by @Sajjon)
  • #16: Update Xcode schemes for the package (by @lorentey)
  • #18: Fix nondeterministic compiler crash in debug builds (by @lorentey)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! Your bug reports, discussions and pull requests all help improve this package.

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