github apple/swift-argument-parser 1.1.0
ArgumentParser 1.1.0

latest releases: 1.4.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.0...
2 years ago


  • A command's run() method now supports async/await when the command conforms to AsyncParsableCommand. (#404)
  • New API for distinguishing between public, hidden, and private arguments and option groups, and a new extended help screen accessible via --help-hidden. (#366, #390, and #405 through #413)
  • You can now override the autogenerated usage string when configuring a command. (#400)


  • ArgumentParser now requires Swift 5.5.


  • The auto-generated usage string now correctly hides all optional parameters when over the length limit. (#416)
  • One @Option initializer now has its parameters in the correct order; the incorrect initializer is deprecated. (#391)
  • Help flags are now correctly captured in .unconditionalRemaining argument arrays.
  • Documentation fixes and improvements.

The 1.1.0 release includes contributions from @keith, @MartinP7r, @McNight, @natecook1000, @rauhul, and @zkiraly. Thank you!

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