github appbaseio/reactivesearch-api 8.9.2

latest releases: 8.22.1, 8.22.0, 8.22.0.beta...
17 months ago


Adds profiling support over API #369

This enhancement adds support for profiling over API via the /debug/pprof group of endpoints.

Profiling CPU (time taken):

An example of profiling for CPU usage is: /debug/pprof/profile (will wait for 30s and return a profile), or
You can directly hit go tool pprof -http=":8080" http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/profile to get a profile UI (top, graph, flamegraph) for time taken.

Profiling Heap:

An example for profiling for heap usage is: /debug/pprof/heap (will return a profile for the point in time), or
You can directly hit go tool pprof -http=":8080" http://localhost:8000/debug/pprof/heap to get a profile UI (top, graph, flamegraph) of heap usage.

See more details for how to profile over here:

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