github appbaseio/reactivesearch-api 7.58.0

latest releases: 8.23.0, 8.22.8, 8.22.7...
2 years ago


  • This is the first general release of the pipelines plugin. This allows authoring of general-purpose pipeline flows with user-defined routes, pre-built stages and user-defined stages which are JavaScript based
  • Change reactivesearch-api OSS docker image to use Debian base instead of Alpine #263
  • Adds support for passing a script parameter for the re-indexing endpoints [oss] #267
  • Adds a new endpoint to retrieve a log request by an id #266


  • Hides credentials from completely printed in the error logs [oss] #264
  • Prints deprecation warnings as debug logs instead of error logs [oss] #265
  • Fixes an issue where suggestion stage was being invoked for a non-suggestion query [noss]

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