github apollographql/router v1.49.1

latest release: v1.50.0-rc.0
8 days ago


If you have enabled Distributed query plan caching, this release changes the hashing algorithm used for the cache keys. On account of this, you should anticipate additional cache regeneration cost when updating between these versions while the new hashing algorithm comes into service.

🔒 Security

Replace dependency included in security advisory (Issue #5484)

This removes our use of a dependency that was cited in security advisories RUSTSEC-2024-0344 and GHSA-x4gp-pqpj-f43q.

We have carefully analyzed our usages and determined that Apollo Router is not impacted. We only relied on different functions from the same dependency that were easily replaced. Despite lack of impact, we have opted to remove the dependency entirely out of an abundance of caution. This not only clears the warning on our side immediately, but also provides a clear path forward in the event that this shows up in any of our user's own scans.

Users may upgrade at their own discretion, though as it was determined there is no impact, upgrading is not being explicitly recommended.

See the corresponding GitHub issue.

By @Geal in #5483

🐛 Fixes

Update to Federation v2.8.1 (PR #5483)

The above security fix was in router-bridge which had already received a Federation version bump. This bump takes Federation to v2.8.1, which fixes a performance-related matter in composition. However, it does not impact query planning, which means this particular update is a no-op and this is simply a symbolic bump of the number itself, rather than any functional change.

By @Geal in #5483

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