github apollographql/router v1.0.0-rc.0

latest releases: v1.55.0-rc.1, v1.55.0-rc.0, v2.0.0-alpha.6...
2 years ago


πŸ‘‹ We're at our release candidate stage but we still have a round of breaking changes and features in this release. Not much more after this! Those using the apollo-router as a library should be minimally impacted by Rust API changes in this 1.0.0-rc.0 release, however there are notable changes to the configuration file and default values outlined below. We hope you'll appreciate the changes (including the secure defaults, flexibility and introduction of a --dev mode). Thanks for your continued feedback and cooperation and please try out this release candidate! We will graduate to 1.0 as soon as possible! ✨



We are entering our release candidate ("RC") stage and expect this to be the last of our breaking changes. Overall, most of the breaking changes in this release revolve around three key factors which were motivators for most of the changes:

  1. Having safe and security defaults which are suitable for production
  2. Polishing our YAML configuration ergonomics and patterns
  3. The introduction of a development mode activated with the --dev flag

See the full changelog below for details on these (including the "Features" section for the --dev changes!)

Adjusted socket ("listener") addresses for more secure default behaviors

  • The Router will not listen on "all interfaces" in its default configuration (i.e., by binding to You may specify a specific socket by specifying the interface:port combination. If you desire behavior which binds to all interfaces, your configuration can specify a socket of (for port 4000 on all interfaces).
  • By default, Prometheus (if enabled) no longer listens on the same socket as the GraphQL socket. You can change this behavior by binding it to the same socket as your GraphQL socket in your configuration.
  • The health check endpoint is no longer available on the same socket as the GraphQL endpoint (In fact, the health check suggestion has changed in ways that are described elsewhere in this release's notes. Please review them separately!)

Safer out-of-the box defaults with sandbox and introspection disabled (PR #1748)

To reflect the fact that it is not recomended to have introspection on in production (and since Sandbox uses introspection to power its development features) the sandbox and introspection configuration are now disabled unless you are running the Router with --dev.

If you would like to force them on even when outside of --dev mode, you can set them to true explicitly in your YAML configuration:

  enabled: true
  introspection: true

By @bnjjj in #1748

Landing page ("home page") replaces Sandbox in default "production" mode (PR #1768)

As an extension of Sandbox and Introspection being disabled by default (see above), the Router now displays a simple landing page when running in its default mode. When you run the Apollo Router with the new --dev flag (see "Features" section below) you will still see the existing "Apollo Studio Sandbox" experience.

We will offer additional options to customize the landing page in the future but for now you can disable the homepage entirely (leaving a very generic page with a GraphQL message) by disabling the homepage entirely in your configuration:

  enabled: false

By @o0Ignition0o in #1768

Listeners, paths and paths can be configured individually (Issue #1500)

It is now possible to individually configure the following features' socket/listener addresses (i.e., the IP address and port) in addition to the URL path:

  • GraphQL execution (default:
  • Sandbox (default when using --dev:
  • Prometheus (default when enabled:

Examples of how to configure these can be seen in the YAML configuration overhaul section of this changelog (just below) as well as in our documentation.

By @o0Ignition0o in #1718

Overhaul/reorganization of YAML configuration (#1500)

To facilitate the changes in the previous bullet-points, we have moved configuration parameters which previously lived in the server section to new homes in the configuration, including listen, graphql_path, landing_page, and introspection. Additionally, preview_defer_support has moved, but is on by default and no longer necessary to be set explicitly unless you wish to disable it.

As another section (below) notes, we have removed the health check and instead recommend users to configure their health checks (in, e.g, Kubernetes, Docker, etc.) to use a simple GraphQL query: /?query={__typename}. Read more about that in the other section, however this is reflected by its removal in the configuration.

To exemplify the changes, this previous configuration will turn into the configuration that follows it:


  graphql_path: /graphql
  health_check_path: /health # Health check has been deprecated.  See below.
  introspection: false
  preview_defer_support: true
  landing_page: true
      enabled: true


# This section is just for Sandbox configuration
  path: /
  enabled: false # Disabled by default, but on with `--dev`.

# This section represents general supergraph GraphQL execution
  path: /
  introspection: false
  # Can be removed unless it needs to be set to `false`.
  preview_defer_support: true

# The health check has been removed.  See the section below in the CHANGELOG
# for more information on how to configure health checks going forward.

# Prometheus scraper endpoint configuration
# The `listen` and `path` are not necessary if `` is okay
      path: /metrics
      enabled: true

By @o0Ignition0o in #1718

Environment variable expansion adjustments (#1759)

  • Environment expansions must be prefixed with env..

  • File expansions must be prefixed with file..

  • The "default" designator token changes from : to :-. For example:

    ${env.USER_NAME:Nandor} => ${env.USER_NAME:-Nandor}

  • Failed expansions now result in an error

    Previously expansions that failed due to missing environment variables were silently skipped. Now they result in a configuration error. Add a default value using the above syntax if optional expansion is needed.

By @BrynCooke in #1763

Dedicated health check endpoint removed with new recommendation to use /query={__typename} query (Issue #1765)

We have removed the dedicated health check endpoint and now recommend users to configure their health checks (in, e.g, Kubernetes, Docker) to use a simple GraphQL query instead.

Use the following query with a content-type: application/json header as a health check instead of /.well-known/apollo/server-health:


The Kubernetes documentation and related Helm charts have been updated to reflect this change.

Using this query has the added benefit of actually testing GraphQL. If this query returns with an HTTP 200 OK, it is just as reliable (and even more meaningful) than the previous /.well-known/apollo/server-health endpoint. It's important to include the content-type: application/json header to satisfy the Router's secure requirements that offer CSRF protections.

In the future, we will likely reintroduce a dedicated health check "liveliness" endpoint along with a meaningful "readiness" health check at the same time. In the meantime, the query above is technically more durable than the health check we offered previously.

By @abernix in

Promote include_subgraph_errors out of "experimental" status (Issue #1773)

The include_subraph_errors plugin has been promoted out of "experimental" and will require a small configuration changes. For example:

-  experimental.include_subgraph_errors:
-    all: true # Propagate errors from all subraphs
-    subgraphs:
-      products: false # Do not propagate errors from the products subgraph
+  all: true # Propagate errors from all subraphs
+  subgraphs:
+    products: false # Do not propagate errors from the products subgraph

By @garypen in #1776

apollo-spaceport and uplink are now part of apollo-router (Issue #491)

Instead of being dependencies, they are now part of the apollo-router crate. They were not meant to be used independently.

By @SimonSapin in #1751

Remove over-exposed functions from the public API (PR #1746)

The following functions are only required for router implementation, so removing from external API:


By @garypen in #1746

Span client_name and client_version attributes renamed (#1514)

OpenTelemetry attributes should be grouped by . rather than _, therefore the following attributes have changed:

  • client_name =>
  • client_version => client.version

By @BrynCooke in #1514

Otel configuration updated to use expansion (#1772)

File and env access in configuration now use the generic expansion mechanism introduced in #1759.

          file: "foo.txt"
          file: "bar.txt"
          file: "baz.txt"


        key: "${}"
        ca: "${}"
        cert: "${file.baz.txt}"


        key: "${env.FOO}"
        ca: "${env.BAR}"
        cert: "${env.BAZ}"

By @BrynCooke in #1774

πŸš€ Features

Adds a development mode that can be enabled with the --dev flag (#1474)

By default, the Apollo Router is configured with production best-practices. When developing, it is often desired to have some of those features relaxed to make it easier to iterate. A --dev flag has been introduced to make the user experience easier while maintaining a default configuration which targets a productionized environment.

The --dev mode will enable a few options for development which are not normally on by default:

  • The Apollo Sandbox Explorer will be served instead of the Apollo Router landing page, allowing you to run queries against your development Router.
  • Introspection will be enabled, allowing client tooling (and Sandbox!) to obtain the latest version of the schema.
  • Hot-reloading of configuration will be enabled. (Also available with --hot-reload when running without --dev)
  • It will be possible for Apollo Sandbox Explorer to request a query plan to be returned with any operations it executes. These query plans will allow you to observe how the operation will be executed against the underlying subgraphs.
  • Errors received from subgraphs will not have their contents redacted to facilitate debugging.

Additional considerations will be made in the future as we introduce new features that might necessitate a "development" workflow which is different than the default mode of operation. We will try to minimize these differences to avoid surprises in a production deployment while providing an execellent development experience. In the future, the (upcoming) rover dev experience will become our suggested pattern, but this should serve the purpose in the near term.

By @bnjjj and @EverlastingBugstopper and @abernix in #1748

Apollo Studio Federated Tracing (#1514)

Add support of federated tracing in Apollo Studio:

        # The percentage of requests will include HTTP request and response headers in traces sent to Apollo Studio.
        # This is expensive and should be left at a low value.
        # This cannot be higher than tracing->trace_config->sampler
        field_level_instrumentation_sampler: 0.01 # (default)

        # Include HTTP request and response headers in traces sent to Apollo Studio
        send_headers: # other possible values are all, only (with an array), except (with an array), none (by default)
            except: # Send all headers except referer
            - referer

        # Send variable values in Apollo in traces sent to Apollo Studio
        send_variable_values: # other possible values are all, only (with an array), except (with an array), none (by default)
            except: # Send all variable values except for variable named first
            - first
            sampler: 0.5 # The percentage of requests that will generate traces (a rate or `always_on` or `always_off`)

By @BrynCooke & @bnjjj & @o0Ignition0o in #1514

Provide access to the supergraph SDL from rhai scripts (Issue #1735)

There is a new global constant apollo_sdl which can be use to read the
supergraph SDL as a string.

By @garypen in #1737

Add support for tokio-console (PR #1632)

To aid in debugging the router, this adds support for tokio-console, enabled by a Cargo feature.

To run the router with tokio-console, build it with RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo run --features console.

By @Geal in #1632

Restore the ability to specify custom schema and configuration sources (#1733)

You may now, once again, specify custom schema and config sources when constructing an executable. We had previously omitted this behavior in our API pruning with the expectation that it was still possible to specify via command line arguments and we almost immediately regretted it. We're happy to have it back!


By @BrynCooke in #1734

Environment variable expansion prefixing (#1759)

The environment variable APOLLO_ROUTER_CONFIG_ENV_PREFIX can be used to prefix environment variable lookups during configuration expansion. This feature is undocumented and unsupported and may change at any time. We do not recommend using this.

For example:


Would cause:
${env.FOO} to be mapped to ${env.MY_PREFIX_FOO} when expansion is performed.

By @BrynCooke in #1763

Environment variable expansion mode configuration (#1772)

The environment variable APOLLO_ROUTER_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_MODES can be used to restrict which modes can be used for environment expansion. This feature is undocumented and unsupported and may change at any time. We do not recommend using this.

For example:

APOLLO_ROUTER_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_MODES=env,file env and file expansion
APOLLO_ROUTER_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_MODES=env - only env variable expansion allowed

By @BrynCooke in #1774

πŸ› Fixes

Support execution of the bare __typename field (Issue #1761)

For queries like query { __typename }, we now perform the expected behavior and return a GraphQL response even if the introspection has been disabled. (introspection: false should only apply to schema introspeciton not type-name introspection.)

By @bnjjj in #1762

Set hasNext for the last chunk of a deferred response (#1687 #1745)

There will no longer be an empty last response {"hasNext": false} and the hasNext field will be set on the last deferred response. There can still be one edge case where that empty message can occur, if some deferred queries were cancelled too quickly. Generally speaking, clients should expect this to happen to allow future behaviors and this is specified in the @defer draft specification.

By @bnjjj in #1687
By @Geal in #1745

πŸ›  Maintenance

Add errors vec in QueryPlannerResponse to handle errors in query_planning_service (PR #1504)

We changed QueryPlannerResponse to:

  • Add a Vec<apollo_router::graphql::Error>
  • Make the query plan optional, so that it is not present when the query planner encountered a fatal error. Such an error would be in the Vec

This should improve the messages returned during query planning.

By @bnjjj in #1504

Store the Apollo usage reporting Protobuf interface file in the repository

Previously this file was downloaded when compiling the Router, but we had no good way to automatically check when to re-download it without causing the Router to be compiled all the time.

Instead a copy now resides in the repository, with a test checking that it is up to date. This file can be updated by running this command then sending a PR:

curl -f \
    > apollo-router/src/spaceport/proto/reports.proto

By @SimonSapin

Disable compression on multipart/mixed HTTP responses (Issue #1572)

The Router now reverts to using unpatched async-compression, and instead disables compression of multipart responses. We aim to re-enable compression soon, with a proper solution that is being designed in Nemo157/async-compression#154.

As context to why we've made this change: features such as @defer require the Apollo Router to send a stream of multiple GraphQL responses in a single HTTP response with the body being a single byte stream. Due to current limitations with our upstream compression library, that entire byte stream is compressed as a whole, which causes the entire deferred response to be held back before being returned. This obviously isn't ideal for the @defer feature which tries to get reponses to client soon possible.

This change replaces our previous work-around which involved a patched async-compression, which was not trivial to apply when using the Router as a dependency since Cargo patching is done in a project’s root Cargo.toml.

Again, we aim to re-visit this as soon as possible but found this to be the more approachable work-around.

By @SimonSapin in #1749

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