github apollographql/apollo-server @apollo/server@4.7.2

latest releases: @apollo/server@4.11.2, @apollo/server-integration-testsuite@4.11.2, @apollo/server@4.11.1...
17 months ago

Patch Changes

  • #7599 c3f04d050 Thanks @trevor-scheer! - Update @apollo/utils.usagereporting dependency. Previously, installing @apollo/gateway and @apollo/server could result in duplicate / differently versioned installs of @apollo/usage-reporting-protobuf. This is because the @apollo/server-gateway-interface package was updated to use the latest protobuf, but the @apollo/utils.usagereporting package was not. After this change, users should always end up with a single install of the protobuf package when installing both @apollo/server and @apollo/gateway latest versions.

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