github apollographql/apollo-server @apollo/server@4.0.5

latest releases: @apollo/server@4.10.4, @apollo/server-integration-testsuite@4.10.4, @apollo/server@4.10.3...
20 months ago

Patch Changes

  • #7104 15d8d65e0 Thanks @glasser! - New ApolloServerPluginSchemaReportingDisabled plugin which can override the APOLLO_SCHEMA_REPORTING environment variable.

  • #7101 e4e7738be Thanks @glasser! - Manage memory more efficiently in the usage reporting plugin by allowing large objects to be garbage collected more quickly.

  • #7101 e4e7738be Thanks @glasser! - The usage reporting plugin now defaults to a 30 second timeout for each attempt to send reports to Apollo Server instead of no timeout; the timeout can be adjusted with the new requestTimeoutMs option to ApolloServerPluginUsageReporting. (Apollo's servers already enforced a 30 second timeout, so this is unlikely to break any existing use cases.)

  • #7104 15d8d65e0 Thanks @glasser! - It is now an error to combine a "disabled" plugin such as ApolloServerPluginUsageReportingDisabled with its enabled counterpart such as ApolloServerPluginUsageReporting.

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