github apollographql/apollo-server @apollo/server@4.0.1

latest releases: @apollo/server@4.11.2, @apollo/server-integration-testsuite@4.11.2, @apollo/server@4.11.1...
2 years ago

Patch Changes

  • #7049 3daee02c6 Thanks @glasser! - Raise minimum engines requirement from Node.js v14.0.0 to v14.16.0. This is the minimum version of Node 14 supported by the engines requirement of graphql@16.6.0.

  • #7049 3daee02c6 Thanks @glasser! - Require Node.js v14 rather than v12. This change was intended for v4.0.0 and the documentation already stated this requirement, but was left off of the package.json engines field in @apollo/server inadvertently.

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