github apollographql/apollo-kotlin v4.0.0-beta.3

latest releases: v3.8.4, v4.0.0-beta.6, v3.8.3...
5 months ago

Many thanks @chris-hatton and @sdfgsdfgd for contributing this version 💙

⚠️ we're aware of a regression in downloadApolloSchema, we'll make a new release soon.

🧩 IDE plugin: in-memory cache support

The normalized cache viewer can now display the contents of your in-memory cache. To do so, it relies on a
debug server that you need to run in your debug builds:

val apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder()

if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

You can read more about it in the "Apollo debug server" documentation page.

🎣 Experimental @catch and @semanticNonNull support

@catch makes it possible to model GraphQL errors as FieldResult Kotlin classes giving you inline access to errors:

query GetUser {
  user {
    # map name to FieldResult<String?> instead of stopping the parsing
    name @catch

@semanticNonNull is a better @nonnull. @semanticNonNull makes it possible to mark a field as null only on error. The matching Kotlin property is then generated as non-null:

# mark as semantically non-null
extend type User @semanticNonNull(field: "name")

Both those directives are experimental and require opt-in of the nullability directives

You can read more about them in the "handle nullability" documentation page.

1️⃣ Experimental @oneOf support

@oneOf introduces input polymorphism to GraphQL:

input PetInput @oneOf {
  cat: CatInput
  dog: DogInput
  fish: FishInput

input CatInput { name: String!, numberOfLives: Int }
input DogInput { name: String!, wagsTail: Boolean }
input FishInput { name: String!, bodyLengthInMm: Int }

type Mutation {
  addPet(pet: PetInput!): Pet

With @oneOf, only one of cat, dog or fish can be set.

@oneOf support is automatically enabled if your schema has the @oneOf directive definition.

You can read more about it in the @oneOf RFC

👷‍ All changes

[all] @oneOf support (#5394, #5388)
[all] @catch and @semanticNonNull support (#5405)
[all] Take default values into account when computing field cache keys (#5384)
[all] Bump Kotlin to 2.0.0-Beta1 (#5373)

[IJ Plugin] Add 'Input class constructor issue' inspection (#5427)
[IJ plugin] Update v3->v4 migration following API tweaks (#5421)
[IJ Plugin] Report invalid oneOf input object builder uses (#5416)
[IJ Plugin] Add inspection for @oneOf input type constructor invocation (#5395)
[IJ plugin] Make the refresh button work with all normalized cache sources. (#5400)
[IJ Plugin] Cache viewer: take numbers into account in key sorting (#5396)
[IJ Plugin] Bump pluginUntilBuild to 233 (#5377)
[IJ Plugin] Telemetry: don't use a libraries changed listener (#5361)
[IJ Plugin] Cache viewer: add cache size to selector (#5357)
[IJ plugin] Use apollo-debug-server to retrieve normalized caches (#5348)
[IJ plugin] Cache viewer: "Pull from Device" modal dialog instead of action menu (#5333)
[IJ Plugin] Fix v3->v4 migration with ApolloCompositeException (#5330)

[runtime] remove some of the ApolloResponse.Builders (#5426)
[runtime] Add a few symbols as ERROR deprecation for the migration (#5422)
[runtime] Add executeV3 + toFlowV3 (#5417)
[runtime] Revive dataAssertNoErrors (#5419)
[runtime] Allow no data and no exception in case of GraphQL errors (#5408)
[runtime] Expose ExecutionContext to HttpEngine and add OkHttp helpers (#5383)
[runtime] Improve deprecation messages (#5411)
[runtime] Go back to just one Adapter class (#5403)
[runtime] Fix Optional.getOrElse (#5399)

[compiler] Remove kotlin-labs-0.1 directives (#5404)
[compiler] Throw a better exception than NullPointerException if a value is missing (#5402)
[compiler] ExecutableValidationResult is returned by validateAsExecutable() and cannot be @ApolloInternal (#5406)
[compiler] Rework the IrType hierarchy (#5392)
[compiler] remove CCN (#5387)
[compiler] Remove antlr (#5336)
[compiler] Tweak description javadoc, there is no need to use the same escaping as Kotlin (#5424)

[mockserver] Support setting port for Apollo MockServer (#5389)
[mockserver] Add WebSocket support to the MockServer (#5334)
[tools] Implement 2-step introspection (#5371)
[apollo-execution] Allow to pass arguments to the root types (#5352)
[apollo-ksp] Initial support for interfaces (#5351)

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