github apollographql/apollo-kotlin v3.1.0

latest releases: v4.0.0, v4.0.0-rc.2, v3.8.5...
2 years ago

Version 3.1.0 introduces new APIs for testing, mapping scalars as well a redesigned cache pipeline.
It also contains bugfixes around the @include directives, MemoryCache and GraphQL validation amongst other changes.

⚙️ [breaking] Fragment package name and useSchemaPackageNameForFragments (#3775)

If you're using packageNameFromFilePath(), the package name of generated fragment classes has changed.

Different generated types have different package names:

  • Generated types coming from operations are generated based on the operation path
  • Generated types coming from the schema (input objects, custom scalars and enums) are generated based on the schema path

Previously, fragments were using the schema path which is inconsistent because fragments are not defined in the schema but are executable files, like operations.

Version 3.1.0 now uses the same logic for fragments as for operations. To revert to the previous behaviour, you can use useSchemaPackageNameForFragments:

apollo {

This is also done automatically if you're using useVersion2Compat(). Moving forward, the plan is to remove useSchemaPackageNameForFragments in favor of setting a custom PackageNameGenerator. If you have use cases that require useSchemaPackageNameForFragments, please reach out.

✨ [New] QueueTestNetworkTransport (#3757)

3.1.0 introduces QueueTestNetworkTransport to test at the GraphQL layer without needing to run an HTTP server.

To use it, configure your ApolloClient:

// This uses a QueueTestNetworkTransport that will play the queued responses
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder()

You can then use the enqueueTestResponse extension function to specify the GraphQL responses to return:

val testQuery = GetHeroQuery("001")
val testData = GetHeroQuery.Data {
  hero = droidHero {
    name = "R2D2"
apolloClient.enqueueTestResponse(testQuery, testData)
val actual = apolloClient.query(testQuery).execute().data!!

✨ [New] MockServerHandler (#3757)

If you're testing at the HTTP layer, you can now define your own MockServerHandler to customize how the server is going to answer to requests:

val customHandler = object : MockServerHandler {
  override fun handle(request: MockRequest): MockResponse {
    return if (/* Your custom logic here */) {
          body = """{"data": {"random": 42}}""",
          headers = mapOf("X-Test" to "true"),
    } else {
          body = "Internal server error",
          statusCode = 500,
val mockServer = MockServer(customHandler)

✨ [New] FetchPolicy.CacheAndNetwork (#3828)

Previously, FetchPolicys were limited to policies that emitted at most one response. There was a executeCacheAndNetwork() method but it felt asymmetrical. This version introduces FetchPolicy.CacheAndNetwork that can emit up to two responses:

  // Check the cache and also use the network (1 or 2 values can be emitted)
  // Execute the query and collect the responses
  .toFlow().collect { response ->
      // ...

✨ [New] ApolloCall<D>.fetchPolicyInterceptor(interceptor: ApolloInterceptor) (#3743)

If you need more customized ways to fetch data from the cache or more fine-grained error handling that does not come with the built-in FetchPolicy, you can now use fetchPolicyInterceptor:

// An, interceptor that will only use the network after getting a successful response
val refetchPolicyInterceptor = object : ApolloInterceptor {
  var hasSeenValidResponse: Boolean = false
  override fun <D : Operation.Data> intercept(request: ApolloRequest<D>, chain: ApolloInterceptorChain): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>> {
    return if (!hasSeenValidResponse) {
      CacheOnlyInterceptor.intercept(request, chain).onEach {
        if ( != null) {
          // We have valid data, we can now use the network
          hasSeenValidResponse = true
    } else {
      // If for some reason we have a cache miss, get fresh data from the network
      CacheFirstInterceptor.intercept(request, chain)

    .collect {

✨ [New] Service.mapScalar Gradle API (#3779)

You can now use mapScalar to specify your scalar mappings:

apollo {
  // Replace 
      "Date" to "java.util.Date"
  // With
  mapScalar("Date", "java.util.Date")

mapScalar also works with built-in scalar types so you can map the ID type to a kotlin Long:

apollo {
  // This requires registering an adapter at runtime with `addCustomScalarAdapter()` 
  mapScalar("ID", "kotlin.Long")

As an optimization, you can also provide the adapter at compile time. This will avoid a lookup at runtime everytime such a scalar is read:

apollo {
  // No need to call `addCustomScalarAdapter()`, the generated code will use the provided adapter 
  mapScalar("ID", "kotlin.Long", "com.apollographql.apollo3.api.LongAdapter")

For convenience, a helper function is provided for common types:

apollo {
  // The generated code will use `kotlin.Long` and the builtin LongAdapter 

  // The generated code will use `kotlin.String` and the builtin StringAdapter

  // The generated code will use `com.apollographql.apollo3.api.Upload` and the builtin UploadAdapter

🚧 [Changed] convertApolloSchema and downloadApolloSchema now use paths relative to the root of the project (#3773, #3752)

Apollo Kotlin adds two tasks to help to manage schemas: convertApolloSchema and downloadApolloSchema. These tasks are meant to be used from the commandline.

Previously, paths were interpreted using the current working directory with File(path). Unfortunately, this is unreliable because Gradle might change the current working directory in some conditions (see Gradle#13927 or Gradle#6074 for an example).

With 3.1.0 and onwards, paths, will be interpreted relative to the root project directory (project.rootProject.file(path)):

# schema is now interpreted relative to the root project directory and
# not the current working directory anymore. This example assumes there 
# is a 'app' module that applies the apollo plugin
./gradlew downloadApolloSchema \
  --endpoint="https://your.domain/graphql/endpoint" \

❤️ External contributors

Many thanks to @dhritzkiv, @mune0903, @StylianosGakis, @AchrafAmil and @jamesonwilliams for their awesome contributions! You rock 🎸 🤘 !

👷 All changes

  • Fix error reporting when there is a "schema.graphqls" but it doesn't contain any type definition (#3844)
  • Make guessNumber read the next value only once, fixes custom scalars without a custom adapter (#3839)
  • Clarify need to pass client's customScalarAdapters to store methods (#3838)
  • Fix null pointer exception in LruCache while trimming (#3833)
  • Add FetchPolicy.CacheAndNetwork (#3828)
  • Allow to specify error handling for watch() (#3817)
  • Scalar mapping and adapter configuration improvements (#3779)
  • Tunnel variables in CustomScalarAdapters (#3813)
  • Terminate threads correctly if no subscription has been executed (#3803)
  • fix validation of merged fields (#3799)
  • Make reconnectWhen suspend and pass attempt number (#3772)
  • Merge HTTP headers when batching (#3776)
  • MockServer improvements and TestNetworkTransport (#3757)
  • Fix calling ApolloClient.newBuilder() if the original ApolloClient used .okHttpClient (#3771)
  • Make convertApolloSchema and downloadApolloSchema use path from the root of the project (#3773, #3752)
  • fix fragment package name in multi-module scenarios (#3775)
  • Make the error printer robust to unknown source locations, fixes schemas with duplicate types (#3753)
  • Allow to customize the fetchPolicy with interceptors (#3743)

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