github apollographql/apollo-kotlin v3.0.0-alpha05

latest releases: v4.0.0-beta.7, v3.8.4, v4.0.0-beta.6...
2 years ago

3.0.0-alpha05 is an incremental update on top of alpha04 with a few important fixes. Many thanks to all the feedback, in particular from @rickclephas, @ProVir, @ychescale9 and @james on the Kotlinlang slack. Thank you 💜!

Relaxed freezing restrictions (#3350)

The Kotlin Native runtime was too strict in ensuring the Continuations were never frozen, which caused exceptions when used with coroutines-native-mt. This check has been removed.

Add ApolloClient.clearNormalizedCache (#3349)

To ease the transition from 2.x, clearNormalizedCache has been added as a deprecated function and will be removed for 3.1

Introduce __Schema to hold the list of all types (#3348)

Because only used types are generated in alpha04, we lost the ability to compute possible types in a typesafe way. This PR re-introduces this with an opt-it generateSchema Gradle property:

apollo {

This will:

  1. Force generate all composite types (interfaces, objects, unions)
  2. generate a __Schema class that will hold a list of all composite types

The __Schema class has a possibleTypes() function that can lookup possible types from the list of types:

        setOf(Cat.type, Dog.type, Crocodile.type),

Fix custom scalars in multi module projects (#3341)

For multi-project builds, custom scalar were registered twice, leading to a validation error. This is now fixed.

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