github apollographql/apollo-ios 1.2.2

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
20 months ago


  • Support SOCKS proxies for debugging websocket based subscriptions(#2788): Thank you to @tahirmit for the contribution.


  • Fix conversion of generated models into nested type cases (#2989 & #2980): In some cases, the generated models were missing types when calculating which fragments were fulfilled for a selection set. This was causing type case conversion to return nil incorrectly. See PR #3067. Thank you to @tgyhlsb and @dafurman for raising these issues.
  • Fix crashes in code generation when merging fragments at definition root (#3071): When fragments with type conditions were defined on the root of an operation or named fragment, the code generation engine was crashing. See PR #3073. Thank you to @tahirmit for raising and helping us reproduce this issue.
  • Fix parsing of input objects as default values for input params (#2978): The codegen engine will no longer crash in this situation. Thank you to @ecunha-ta for raising the issue.

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