github apollographql/apollo-ios 1.16.0

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1
one month ago


  • Added codegen config support for spm module type versions (#539): There is a new codegen config option for supplying a version to the SPM module type to allow for pointing to specific branches or local versions of Apollo iOS.
  • @oneOf input object support (#537): Adding support for @OneOf Input Objects, more info can be found in the official RFC.


  • URLRequest cache policy default changed (#550): The updated default closer matches the original behaviour before the introduction of setting URLRequest.CachePolicy. Thank you to @marksvend for raising the issue.


  • DataDict initialization of deferredFragments property (#557): Generated selection set initializers were not correctly setting deferred fragment identifiers. This only affected selection sets that were instantiated with the generated selection set initializers, response-based results are unaffected.
  • Multipart chunk content type (#572): Multipart response parsing would produce an error when the chunk content type contained more than one directive. Thank you to @brettephillips for raising the issue.

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