github apollographql/apollo-ios 1.11.0

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
9 months ago


  • Added refetchOnFailedUpdates option to GraphQLQueryWatcher (#347): This allows you to configure the query watcher not to refetch it's query from the server when a cache read to update it's data fails.


  • Generated input objects have default nil value for parameters with a schema-defined default value (#2997): When the schema defines a default value for an input parameter, you can now omit that parameter when initializing the input object and the default value will be used. This corrects feature parity with the Apollo Kotlin client. See PR #358.

  • Fix namespacing error in InterfaceTemplate (#3375): This fixes an issue where having a schema type named Interface caused compilation errors in generated code. See PR #359.

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