github apollographql/apollo-ios 1.0.7

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
2 years ago


  • Couldn't build when using some reserved words in a schema (#2765): for has been added to the list of reserved keywords that are escaped with backticks when used in schema types and operations. #2772 - Thank you to @torycons for raising the issue.
  • Subscript GraphQL variable from dictionary crash when Swift modifier used as key (#2759): Backticks have been removed from subscript keys of input objects. #2773 - Thank you to @SzymonMatysik for raising the issue.
  • Unnamed fields in schema results in broken generated Swift code (#2753): The _ character can be used as a GraphQL field name. #2769 - Thank you to @neakor for raising the issue.
  • LocalCacheMutation with an enum field fails (#2775): When writing selection set data back into the cache, custom scalars are now re-encoded back into their _jsonValue. #2778 - Thank you to @dabby-wombo for raising the issue.
  • DataDict subscript function crashes on iOS 14.4 and under (#2668): AnyHashable conversions when accessing DataDict properties now perform checks on the base type. #2784 - Thank you to @bdunay3 for raising the issue.
  • @include directive based on variable with default value drops the included data (#2690): The GraphQL executor will now correctly evaluate GraphQLNullable conditional variables. #2794 - Thank you to @klanchman for raising the issue.
  • Interfaces implemented by schema root are not generated (#2756): Interfaces references on the root type Query, Mutation or Subscription are now included in the schema module. #2816 - Thank you to @litso for raising the issue.


  • HTTP headers format in schema download configuration JSON (#2661): HTTPHeaders in the ApolloSchemaDownloadConfiguration section of the codegen configuration JSON file can now be specified using the more intuitive format { "Authorization": "<token>"}. #2811 - Thank you to @nikitrivedii for raising the issue.

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