github apollographql/apollo-ios 1.0.0-alpha.7
1.0.0 Alpha 7

latest releases: 1.18.0, 1.17.0, 1.16.1...
pre-release2 years ago

This is the seventh Alpha Release of Apollo iOS 1.0. This first major version will include a new code generation engine, better generated models, and many syntax and performance improvements across the entire library. The primary goal of Apollo iOS 1.0 is to stabilize the API of the model layer and provide a foundation for future feature additions and evolution of the library.

  • New: Local Cache Mutations are now supported: In order to perform a local cache mutation, define a .graphql file with an operation or a fragment and mark it with the directive @apollo_client_ios_localCacheMutation. This will ensure the code generator generates a mutable cache mutation operation.
    • Note: Local Cache Mutation operations cannot be used for fetching from the network! You should define separate GraphQL operations for network operations and local cache mutations.
    • Example Usage:
/// SampleLocalCacheMutation.graphql
query SampleLocalCacheMutation @apollo_client_ios_localCacheMutation {
  allAnimals {
    ... on Bird {

/// SampleLocalCacheMutationFragment.graphql
fragment SampleLocalCacheMutationFragment on Pet @apollo_client_ios_localCacheMutation {
  owner {
  • New: Support Code Generation Configuration Option: deprecatedEnumCases: If deprecatedEnumCases is set to exclude, deprecated cases in graphql enums from your schema will not be generated and will be treated as unknown enum values.
  • Fixed - Compilation Errors in Generated Code When Schema was Embedded In Target: When embedding the generated schema in your own target, rather than generating a separate module for it, there were compilation errors due to access control and namespacing issues. These are resolved. This fixes #2301 & #2302. Thanks @kimdv for calling attention to these bugs!
    • Note: Compilation Errors for Test Mocks are still present. We are aware of ongoing issues with generated test mocks. We are actively working on fixing these issues and they will be resolved in a future alpha release soon.
  • Fixed: Crash When Accessing a Conditionally Included Fragment That is Nil. This is fixed now and will return nil as it should. This fixes #2310.

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