github apollographql/apollo-ios 0.42.0
Version 0.42.0

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
3 years ago
  • BREAKING: Finally updates our Starscream dependency to 4.0.x. Note that due to SOCKS proxy support being removed from Starscream, we've correspondeingly removed such support.(#1659)
  • BREAKING, but only to Swift Scripting: Updated ApolloSchemaOptions to more clearly handle introspection (ie, from a URL) vs registry (ie, from Apollo Studio) requests by using an enum. If you were passing in an endpointURL previously, you need to use the .introspection enum value going forward. Also changed the name of the field to match the new type. (#1691)
  • BREAKING: Removed CoadableParsingInterceptor and related code designed for new codegen (which is still in progress) since we were wildly over-optimistic on how quickly we'd be using it. (#1670)
  • Fixed an issue where tasks that were in the canceling state could trigger a No data found for task assertion failure. (#1677)
  • Fixed an issue with encoding + in GET requests. (#1653)
  • Fixed an issue where creating GET requests removed existing query params from the URL. (#1687)
  • Prevented a retain cycle during web socket reconnection. (#1674)
  • Added better handling for calling cancel on a RequestChain which has already been cancelled. (#1679)

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