github apollographql/apollo-ios 0.38.0
Version 0.38.0

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
4 years ago
  • BREAKING: We've made some significant (~4x) performance improvements to the cache and eliminated all our known Thread Sanitizer issues by removing some overly agressive multithreading and our internal Promises implementation. (#1531) Related Changes:
    • POSSIBLY BREAKING: These improvements caused changes in our NormalizedCache and ApolloClientProtocol protocols, so if you're implementing these yourself, you'll need to update.
    • BREAKING: Removed the loadRecords(forKeys:) method on ReadTransaction. We'd recommended that you use either read or readObject with the transaction, but if you were using loadRecords, you will need to shift to those other methds.
    • NEW: ApolloStore's load(query:resultHandler:) method now also takes an optional callback queue.
  • NEW: Added the ability to say whether the results from a mutation should be published to the store are not. This is a boolean value which defeaults to true, to match existing behavior. (#1521)
  • BREAKING: The setter for Atomic's value is no longer public to prevent accidental misuse. If you were using this, use the mutate method instead to ensure the thread lock works properly. (#1538)

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