github apollographql/apollo-client v3.7.3

latest releases: v3.11.9, v3.12.0-alpha.0, v3.11.8...
23 months ago

🛑 IMPORTANT 🛑 Version 3.7.3 is not installable due to an issue with our release process which caused a mismatch between package-lock.json and package.json version numbers.

The maintainers apologize for the inconvenience. Version 3.7.4 should be out within 2 business days containing the changes that were targeted for 3.7.3. Thank you so much for your patience.

Patch Changes

  • #10334 7d923939d Thanks @jerelmiller! - Better handle deferred queries that have cached or partial cached data for them

  • #10368 46b58e976 Thanks @alessbell! - Fix: unblocks support for defer in mutations

    If the @defer directive is present in the document passed to mutate, the Promise will resolve with the final merged data after the last multipart chunk has arrived in the response.

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