github apollographql/apollo-client v3.6.4

latest releases: v3.10.2, v3.10.1, v3.10.0...
23 months ago

Bug Fixes (from

  • Guarantee Concast cleanup without Observable cancelled prematurely rejection, potentially solving long-standing issues involving that error.
    @benjamn in #9701

  • Ensure useSubscription subscriptions are properly restarted after unmounting/remounting by React 18 in <StrictMode>.
    @kazekyo in #9707

Improvements (from

  • Internalize useSyncExternalStore shim, for more control than use-sync-external-store provides, fixing some React Native issues.
    @benjamn in #9675 and #9709

  • Provide @apollo/client/**/*.cjs.native.js versions of every @apollo/client/**/*.cjs bundle (including dependencies ts-invariant and zen-observable-ts) to help React Native's Metro bundler automatically resolve CommonJS entry point modules. These changes should render unnecessary the advice we gave in the v3.5.4 section below about metro.config.js.
    @benjamn in #9716

  • Handle falsy incoming data more gracefully in offetLimitPagination().merge function.
    @shobhitsharma in #9705

What's Changed (auto-generated by GitHub)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.6.3...v3.6.4

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