github apify/crawlee v2.2.0

latest releases: v3.10.1, v3.10.0, v3.9.2...
2 years ago

Proxy per page

Up until now, browser crawlers used the same session (and therefore the same proxy) for
all request from a single browser - now get a new proxy for each session. This means
that with incognito pages, each page will get a new proxy, aligning the behaviour with

This feature is not enabled by default. To use it, we need to enable useIncognitoPages
flag under launchContext:

new Apify.Playwright({
    launchContext: {
        useIncognitoPages: true,
    // ...

Note that currently there is a performance overhead for using useIncognitoPages.
Use this flag at your own will.

We are planning to enable this feature by default in SDK v3.0.

Abortable timeouts

Previously when a page function timed out, the task still kept running. This could lead to requests being processed multiple times. In v2.2 we now have abortable timeouts that will cancel the task as early as possible.

Mitigation of zero concurrency issue

Several new timeouts were added to the task function, which should help mitigate the zero concurrency bug. Namely fetching of next request information and reclaiming failed requests back to the queue are now executed with a timeout with 3 additional retries before the task fails. The timeout is always at least 300s (5 minutes), or handleRequestTimeoutSecs if that value is higher.

Full list of changes

  • fix RequestError: URI malformed in cheerio crawler (#1205)
  • only provide Cookie header if cookies are present (#1218)
  • handle extra cases for diffCookie (#1217)
  • implement proxy per page in browser crawlers (#1228)
  • add fingerprinting support (#1243)
  • implement abortable timeouts (#1245)
  • add timeouts with retries to runTaskFunction() (#1250)
  • automatically convert google spreadsheet URLs to CSV exports (#1255)

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