- Add a builtin HTTP cache invalidation system able to store all requests in Varnish (or any other proxy supporting cache tags) and purge it instantly when needed
- Add an authorization system configurable directly from the resource class
- Add support for subresources (like
- Revamp the automatic documentation UI (upgraded to the React-based version of Swagger UI, added a custom stylesheet)
- Add a new filter to select explicitly which properties to serialize
- Add a new filter to choose which serialization group to apply
- Add a new filter to test if a property value exists or not
- Add support for OAuth 2 in the UI
- Add support for embedded fields
- Add support for customizable API resources folder's name
- Filters's ids now defaults to the Symfony's service name
- Add configuration option to define custom metadata loader paths
- Make Swagger UI compatible with a strict CSP environment
- Add nulls comparison to OrderFilter
- Add a flag to disable all request listeners
- Add a default order option in the configuration
- Allow to disable all operations using the XML configuration format and deprecate the previous format
- Allow upper cased property names
- Improve the overall performance by optimizing
- Improve the performance of the filters subsystem by using a PSR-11 service locator and deprecate the
class - Add compatibility with Symfony Flex and Symfony 4
- Allow the Symfony Dependency Injection component to autoconfigure data providers and query extensions