github api-platform/core v1.0.0-beta.3

latest releases: v4.1.0-beta.2, v4.0.17, v4.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release8 years ago
  • The Hydra documentation URL is now /apidoc (was /vocab)
  • Exceptions implements Dunglas\ApiBundle\Exception\ExceptionInterface
  • Prefix automatically generated route names by api_
  • Automatic detection of the method of the entity class returning the identifier when using Doctrine (previously getId() was always used)
  • New extension point in Dunglas\ApiBundle\Doctrine\Orm\DataProvider allowing to customize Doctrine paginator and performance optimization when using typical queries
  • New Dunglas\ApiBundle\JsonLd\Event\Events::CONTEXT_BUILDER event allowing to modify the JSON-LD context
  • Change HTTP status code from 202 to 200 for PUT requests
  • Ability to embed the JSON-LD context instead of embedding it

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