Upgrade Notes & Compatibility Warnings
- Please refer to the documentation for a complete list of upgrade warnings.
- The Solr Operator is now an Apache project managed by the Apache Solr PMC.
- The CRDs are now under the solr.apache.org group instead of solr.bloomberg.com.
- The Zookeeper Operator is now up-to-date with the most recent release, v0.2.9 (#231)
New Features
- The Solr Operator now fully supports running Solr in a secure and locked down way
- Support custom log4j2 config from user-provided ConfigMap (#193)
- Override Prometheus exporter config XML via a user-supplied ConfigMap (#189)
- The Zookeeper Operator can be installed as a helm chart dependency, with the Solr Operator (#231)
- Added support for the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) (#254)
- Allow the definition of multiple imagePullSecrets (#216)
- More helm chart options are provided to customize running the Solr Operator (#250)
- Solr pod shutdown is more graceful, has better coordination between Kubernetes and Solr (#226)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ignored options in podOptions probes (#208)