github apache/pulsar v2.10.1

latest releases: v3.3.1, v3.2.4, v3.0.6...
2 years ago

Important notice

  • [fix][broker] Fix broker LoadBalance uneffective 15314
  • [fix][admin] Fix producer/consume permission can’t get schema 15956


  • [fix][broker] Fix race condition in getManagedLedgerInternalStats when includeLedgerMetadata=true 15918
  • [improve][broker] Avoid contended synchronized block on topic load 15883
  • [fix][broker] Fix NPE in MessageDeduplication 15820
  • [improve][broker] Add timeout to closing CoordinationServiceImpl 15777
  • [improve][broker] Store Subscription properties 15757
  • [improve][broker] Support for updating the Subscription properties 15751
  • [improve][broker] Disable memory limit controller for broker client and replication clients 15723
  • [fix][broker] Fix NPE when put value to RangeCache. 15707
  • [fix][broker] Fast return if ack cumulative illegal 15695
  • [fix][broker] Fix creating producer failure when set backlog quota. 15663
  • [fix][broker] Expose configurationMetadataStore and localMetadataStore 15661
  • [fix][broker] Fix NPE when set AutoTopicCreationOverride 15653
  • [fix][broker] Fix MetadataStoreException$NotFoundException while doing topic lookup 15633
  • [fix][broker] Fix calculation in getNumberOfEntriesInStorage 15627
  • [fix][broker] Use dispatchRateLimiterLock to update dispatchRateLimiter 15601
  • [fix][broker] Sync topicPublishRateLimiter update 15599
  • [fix][broker] Fix deadlock in broker after race condition in topic creation failure 15570
  • [cleanup][broker] Override close method to avoid caching exception. 15529
  • [fix][broker] Close publishLimiter when disable it 15520
  • [fix][broker] Fix to avoid TopicStatsImpl NPE even if producerName is null 15502
  • [fix][broker] Fix key-shared delivery of messages with interleaved delays 15409
  • [fix][Broker] Fix bug in contructor of RocksdbMetadataStore 15405
  • [feature][broker] EntryFilter (PIP-105) - support per-Consumer filtering 15391
  • [fix][broker/client] Close connection if a ping or pong message cannot be sent 15382
  • [improve][broker] Support shrink for ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet 15354
  • [improve][broker] Support properties on NonDurable subscriptions (PIP-105) 15345
  • [improve][broker] Use shrink map for message redelivery. 15342
  • [fix][Broker] Fix error on recycled SubscriptionPropertiesList 15335
  • [fix][broker] Fix problem at RateLimiter#tryAcquire 15306
  • [fix][broker] Fix totalEntries calculation problem in AbstractBaseDispatcher#filterEntriesForConsumere 15298
  • [fix][broker] Fix resource group does not report usage 15292
  • [fix][Broker] Fix race condition between timeout and completion in OpAddEntry 15233
  • [fix][broker] Fix MessageDeduplication#inactiveProducers may not be persistence correctly 15206
  • [fix][broker] Cancel fencedTopicMonitoringTask when topic closed normally 15202
  • [fix][broker] Fix parameter saslJaasBrokerSectionName in broker.conf 15110
  • [cleanup][broker] Remove useless code to avoid confusion in OpReadEntry#checkReadCompletion 15104
  • [fix][broker] Ensure NamespaceEphemeralData has equals() operator 15092
  • [fix][broker] Fix potential to add duplicated consumer 15051
  • [fix][broker] Fix rewind failed when redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages 15046
  • [fix][broker]Fix race condition in updating lastMarkDeleteEntry field 15031
  • [improve][broker] Avoid using blocking calls for the async method checkTopicOwnership 15023
  • [fix][broker] Avoid heartbeat topic to offload. 15008
  • [fix][broker] Return if reset in progress 14978
  • [fix][broker] Fix topic policy reader close bug 14897
  • [fix][broker] Fix getPendingAckInternalStats redirect issue 14876
  • [fix][broker] Fix wrong state for non-durable cursor 14869
  • [improve][broker] Add log when update namespace policies with error 14850
  • [feature][broker] Support advertised listeners for HTTP and HTTPS services 14839
  • [fix][broker] Filter the virtual NIC with relative path 14829
  • [fix][broker] Fixed duplicated delayed messages when all consumers disconnect 14740
  • [fix][broker] Fix cannot delete namespace with system topic 14730
  • [fix][broker] Fixed 404 error msg not being returned correctly using http lookup 14677
  • [fix][broker] Fix normal topic named ends with healthcheck becomes system topic issue 14671
  • [improve][broker] Support shrink for map or set 14663
  • [improve][broker] Changing the topic creation flow and optimize heartbeat topic not trigger compaction 14643
  • [fix][broker] Fix wrong prompt exception when getting the non-persistent topic list without GET_BUDNLE permission 14638
  • [fix][broker] Fix inconsistent prompt message when schema version is empty using AVRO. 14626
  • [fix][broker] Fix update replication cluster but not update replicator 14570
  • [improve][broker] Reduce unnecessary expansions for ConcurrentLong map and set 14562
  • [improve][broker] Support ManagedCursorInfo compression 14542
  • [improve][broker] Optimize memory usage: support to shrink for pendingAcks map 14515
  • [improve][broker] Support shrink in ConcurrentLongHashMap 14497
  • [improve][broker] Optimize RawReader#create when using Compactor 14447
  • [fix][broker] Fix NPE when subscription is already removed 14363
  • [improve][broker] Optimize load manager find nics process 14340
  • [improve][broker] Make revokePermissionsOnTopic method async 14149
  • [fix][broker] Fix when nextValidLedger is null caused NPE 13975


  • [fix][Java] Fixes NPE when TableView handles null value message 15951
  • [fix][Java] Fix conversion of TimestampMillisConversion has no effect when Jsr310Conversion enabled 15863
  • [fix][Java] Fix messages sent by producers without schema cannot be decoded 15622
  • [improve][Java] improve logic when ACK grouping tracker checks duplicated message id 15465
  • [improve][Java] Add pending messages information while printing the producer stats 15440
  • [fix][Java] Fix negative ack not redelivery 15312
  • [improve][admin/client] AsyncHttpConnector doesn't use the system properties configured 15307
  • [fix][Java] TableView should cache created readers 15178
  • [fix][Java] Fix performance regression with message listener 15162
  • [fix][Java] Fix internal receive used wrong timeout type 15014
  • [fix][Java] ConsumerBuilderImpl can not set null to deadLetterPolicy. 14980
  • [fix][Java] Returns immutable data set when use TableView. 14833
  • [improve][Java] Avoid timer task run before previous subscribe complete. 14818
  • [fix][C++] avoid race condition causing double callback on close 15508
  • [fix][C++] Wait until event loop terminates when closing the Client 15316
  • [fix][C++] Fix UnknownError might be returned for a partitioned producer 15161
  • [fix][C++] Fix single message metadata not set correctly 15072
  • [fix][C++] Fix connection is not closed when broker closes the connection to proxy 15009
  • [fix][C++] Fix send callback might not be invoked in key based batching 14898
  • [fix][C++] Fix segmentation fault when creating socket failed 14834
  • [fix][C++] Fix the race condition of connect timeout task 14823
  • [fix][C++] Fix producer is never destructed until client is closed 14797
  • [fix][Python] Fixes reserved keys are not removed when JsonSchema is being encoded 15947
  • [fix][Python] Fix generated Python protobuf code not compatible with latest protobuf package 15846
  • [improve][Python] Generate universal2 wheel files for macOS 15054
  • [improve][Python] Added build for wheels on Alpine Linux 15016
  • [improve][Python] Added build for Arm64 on Linux and Python 3.10 15004
  • [WebSocket] Fix ClassCastException when user create MultiTopicReader. #14316
  • [WebSocket] Add debug log for WebSocket. #12458


  • [fix][txn] Fix transasction ack batch message 15875
  • [fix][txn] Fix NPE of TransactionMetaStoreHandler 15840
  • [improve][txn] Optimize transaction lowWaterMark to clean useless data faster 15592
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction PendingAck lowWaterMark 15530
  • [fix][txn] Make transaction stats consistent at end txn 15472
  • [improve][txn] Add lowWaterMark check before appending entry to TB 15424
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction component recover fillQueue 15418
  • [fix][txn] Topic transaction buffer recover don't close reader when throw RuntimeException 15361
  • [fix][txn] Fix potentially unfinishable future 15208
  • [improve][txn] Optimize metadataPositions in MLPendingAckStore 15137
  • [fix][txn] TransactionMetadataService don't connect again if store exist 15114
  • [improve][txn] Avoid creating the multiple future and exception handler 15089
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction REST API redirect issue. 15017
  • [improve][txn] support configurable transactionBufferClientOperationTimeoutInMills 15011
  • [improve][txn] Optimize topic lookup when TC end tx 14991
  • [fix][txn] Fix potential NPE in TransactionBufferDisable 14979
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction pendingAckStore asyncMarkDelete 14974
  • [fix][txn] Fix potentially unfinished CompletableFuture 14973
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction admin redirect get 500 due to getCause 14965
  • [fix][txn] Properly close transaction-buffer-sub non durable cursor 14900
  • [fix][txn] Close the transaction buffer when deleting topics 14895
  • [fix][txn] Avoid too many ServiceUnitNotReadyException for transaction buffer handler 14894
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction buffer no snapshot close recover reader 14830
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction log recover throw cursor already close 14810
  • [fix][txn] Fix cannot enable transaction when is allow auto update schema enabled=fasle 14809
  • [fix][txn] Fix some exception handle in transaction buffer 14808
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction buffer recover throw cursor already close 14807
  • [fix][txn] Fix transaction buffer recover reader and writer fail 14801
  • [fix][txn] Fix pending ack is recovering throw CursorAlreadyClosedxception 14781
  • [fix][txn] Fix cursor readPosition is bigger than maxPosition in OpReadEntry 14667

Pulsar IO and Pulsar Functions

  • [fix][connector] KCA sinks: fix offset mapping when sanitizeTopicName=true 15950
  • [improve][function] provide default error handler for function log appender 15728
  • [fix][connector] KCA Sink: org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Invalid Java object for schema with type .. 15598
  • [improve][function] Refine file io connector 15250
  • [fix][function] Check executor null when close the FileSource 15247
  • [fix][function] Handle NPE when getLeader returns null 15058
  • [fix][function] Allow a Function<GenericObject,?> to access the original Schema of the Message and use it 14847
  • [fix][function] Fix pulsar-managed runtimes failed start function with package URL from package management service 14814
  • [improve][connector] Handle Kafka sinks that return immutable maps as configs 14780
  • [improve][connector] Support event-time-based index name in ES Sink 14383

Tiered Storage

  • [feature][tiered-storage] Add pure S3 provider for the offloader [15710](#15710
  • [improve][tiered-storage] Upgrade JClouds to 2.5.0 15649
  • [improve][tiered-storage] Reduce CPU usage when offloading the ledger 15063
  • [fix][tiered-storage] Fix potential NPE in MockManagedLedger 15006
  • [improve][tiered-storage] Add debug information 14907

Pulsar SQL

  • [fix][sql] Fix the decimal type error convert in json schema 15687
  • [fix][sql] Add Java version trim agent for presto 332 15236
  • [improve][sql] Pulsar SQL support for Decimal data type 15153

Pulsar Proxy

  • [cleanup][proxy] Remove unnecessary blocking DNS lookup in LookupProxyHandler 15415
  • [fix][proxy] Fix DNS server denial-of-service issue when DNS entry expires 15403
  • [fix][proxy/client] Configure Netty DNS resolver to match JDK DNS caching setting, share DNS resolver instance in Proxy 15219
  • [refactor][proxy] Refactor Proxy code and fix connection stalling by switching to auto read mode 14713
  • [improve][proxy] Log warning when opening connection to broker fails 14710
  • [improve][proxy] Add support of PrometheusRawMetricsProvider for the Pulsar-Proxy 14681


  • [improve][metrics] Add message ack rate metric for consumer 15674
  • [improve][metrics] Add metrics for pulsar web service thread pool 14742
  • [improve][metrics] Add non-persistent topic subscription metrics 13827


  • [improve][admin] Support to get topic properties 15944
  • [improve][admin] Pulsar Admin: create subscripion with Properties (PIP-105) 15503
  • [improve][admin] Put validateTopicOwnershipAsync before validateTopicOperationAsync 15265
  • [fix][admin] Fix inconsistent parameter of TopicPolicies.getSubscriptionDispatchRate 15293
  • [fix]admin] Fix pulsar-admin not prompting message when there is a 500 error 14856
  • [fix][admin] Fix NPE in PulsarAdminBuilder when the service is not set 14769
  • [fix][admin] Remove the trust certs check 14764
  • [fix][admin] Provide an accurate error message when set autoTopicCreation 14684


  • [fix][authn] Generate correct well-known OpenID configuration URL 15928
  • [fix][authn] Switch to rely on Netty for Hostname Verification 15824
  • [fix][authz] Add timeout of sync methods and avoid call sync method for AuthoriationService 15694
  • [fix][authz] Fix grant all permissions but can't list topic. 15501
  • [fix][authz] Fix MultiRolesTokenAuthorizationProvider authorize issue. 15454
  • [fix][authn] Fix typo checkPermissionsAsync method typo 15273
  • [improve][authn] Improve skipping of DNS resolution when creating AuthenticationDataHttp instance 15228
  • [improve][authn] Skip unnecessary DNS resolution when creating AuthenticationDataHttp instance 15221
  • [fix][security] Remove log4j for CVE-2022-23307 15109
  • [improve][authn] Use tlsCertRefreshCheckDurationSec instead of 0 for refresh value 15075
  • [fix][security] Upgrade Spring Context in Pulsar IO batch-data-generator 14975
  • [fix][auth] Athenz: do not use uber-jar and bump to 1.10.50 to remove jackson-databind shaded dependency 14884
  • [fix][authz] Fix handling single role and non-jwt-token in MultiRolesTokenAuthorizationProvider 14857
  • [improve][authn] Full-support SSL provider, ciphers and protocols for broker service and proxy service 14569
  • [fix][authz] Role with namespace produce authz can also get topics 13773
  • [improve][authn] Full-support set SSL provider, ciphers and protocols for broker-web&websocket/proxy/function-worker 13740


  • [improve] Enable TCP/IP keepalive for all ZK client connections in all components starting with bin/pulsar 15908
  • [improve] Allow PULSAR_MEM to be Overridden 15868
  • [improve] Configure DLog Bookie, Pulsar, and Admin clients via pass-through config 15818
  • [fix][docker] Add write permissions to /pulsar subdirectories to enable running as non-root user 15769
  • [improve] Disable memory limit controller in internal Pulsar clients 15752
  • [improve] Disable Pulsar client memory limit by default 15748
  • [fix][owasp] Fix false positive google-http-client-gson-1.41.0.jar 15651
  • [fix][package-management] Fix the new path /data introduced regression 15367
  • [improve][common] Use Collection instead of List for FutureUtil. 15329
  • [fix][tools] Only apply maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions if it presents 15283
  • [fix][owasp] Suppress MariaDB false positives 15243
  • [fix][scripts] Ignore case when obfuscating passwords in configuration scripts 15077
  • [improve][tool] Improve transaction perf logs 14816
  • [fix][deploy] Fix the pid occupied check when using pulsar-daemon start or stop process 14701

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