What's Changed
- Test single file should work for test classes which names do not match the corresponding file names. by @dbalek in #8021
- Action for running tests in parallel by @petrovic-d in #7979
- Maven: Improve dependency resolution (for example for annotation processors like lombok) by @matthiasblaesing in #8057
- Maven remote index migration and refactoring by @mbien in #7976
- Fixing ProjectReload with missing artifacts by @sdedic in #7855
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException on mass Ant project open. by @mbien in #7989
- Payara Server instance running on WSL with deploy-on-save breaks "Web Application" Ant projects by @jGauravGupta in #8144
- Fix code-folding for LSP clients that support line-folding only by @sid-srini in #7750
- Checking for null capabilities. by @lahodaj in #7921
- Fix tests failure due to CRLF mismatch on Windows in java.hints, java.source.base by @sid-srini in #7910
- Fix MacOS tests failures in java.hints by @sid-srini in #7926
- Update embedded tomcat from 9.0.71 to 9.0.96 by @mbien in #7919
- Fix java/j2ee.persistence test and add it to build pipeline by @matthiasblaesing in #7943
- Remove unnecessary continue/return hint should handle rule cases and switch expressions. by @lahodaj in #7968
- Fix possible out of bounds exception in switch pattern hint by @mbien in #7973
- [NETBEANS-7949] Fixing handling of 'case null'. by @lahodaj in #7980
- Improving Java code completion support for sealed types in switches. by @lahodaj in #7966
- Ensure AttrContext.returnResult's checkContext is set to Check.basicHandler in javac's Scopes, to avoid it throwing exceptions. by @lahodaj in #8016
- Downgrade CI jobs to JDK 23 by @mbien in #8061
- Improve stability of Java code completion (sealed) tests. by @lahodaj in #8066
- Do not break additional DocumentFilters by @sdedic in #7903
- Merge jakarta.web.beans and web.beans by @matthiasblaesing in #7958
- Update textmate support by @matthiasblaesing in #7971
- Upgrading nb-javac to JDK 24b29. by @lahodaj in #8037
- [NETBEANS-7069] Support Nashorn 15.x for JDK >= 15 by @cz6ace in #7972
- update formatter to handle record closing braces correctly by @mbien in #8106
- typo fix for apidoc by @ebarboni in #8148
- Set javadoc 23 specific flags only on JDK 23 and later by @mbien in #8152
- [Groovy] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @matthiasblaesing in #8094
- Update Groovy libraries to 3.0.23 by @matthiasblaesing in #8095
- [PHP] Add PHPStan rule level 10 by @KacerCZ in #8010
- Prevent NPE by @junichi11 in #8046
- [PHP] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @junichi11 in #8070
- PHP 8.3 Support: Arbitrary static variable initializers by @junichi11 in #8085
- PHP 8.4 Support: new MyClass()->method() without parentheses by @junichi11 in #8117
- PHP 8.4 Support: #[\Deprecated] Attribute by @junichi11 in #8139
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #8140
- Add support for PHPStan error identifiers by @KacerCZ in #8170
- PHP 8.4 Support: Asymmetric Visibility v2 by @junichi11 in #8177
- PHP: implemented the ability to run a test method when clicking the run icon in the gutter editor. by @troizet in #8142
- VSCode integration commands by @jhorvath in #7894
- fixes #7879 - config set schema command for postgresql by @wumpz in #7892
- web.jsf: Fix typo in JSF composite component template by @matthiasblaesing in #8017
- OCI Cloud Assets: Select OCI Profile should display correct region code. by @dbalek in #8120
- SYNCHRONIZE permission added to 'readWriteAcl' list by @thurka in #8132
- create new AclEntry if ownerEntry is not found by @thurka in #8133
- Fixing the build output appearance in vscode by @jhorvath in #8129
- Add support for GlassFish 7 up to 7.0.21, and GlassFish 8 up to 8.0.0-M9 by @pepness in #8153
- libs.fabric8: Prevent generation of signature files and fix description by @matthiasblaesing in #8162
- Improve support for Jakarta EE 11 by @pepness in #8182
- Fix ugly semantic coloring on CSL languages while editing by @lkishalmi in #8018
- JS CDT Debugger: Improve path handling and remember connection settings by @matthiasblaesing in #7931
- Code cleanup for csl.editor.semantic package by @lkishalmi in #8028
- [JS] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @junichi11 in #8071
- CSS: Fix parsing of @Keyframes rules by @matthiasblaesing in #8053
- csl.api: Fix GsfSemanticLayer after 0ba2e7a by @matthiasblaesing in #8103
- Better change tracking for Semantic highlighting for CSL by @lkishalmi in #8099
- Extending lsp.client with support for DAP by @jtulach in #8098
- Fix ClassCastException on occurrence higlighting for CSL by @lkishalmi in #8124
- CSS: Improve parsing of custom @-rules by @matthiasblaesing in #8104
- csl.api: Fix wrong @nonnull annotation in methods of Language by @matthiasblaesing in #8146
- typescript: Fix location of binaries by @matthiasblaesing in #8168
- Improve refactoring preview divider handling and tree navigation. by @mbien in #8089
- Ensure left search results panel is always visible. by @mbien in #8088
- Persist tab order on per-project basis between close/open. by @mbien in #8164
- Fix NPE during project group creation caused by ergonomics by @mbien in #8171
UI Changes
- Switch SVG loading from the Batik library to JSVG by @eirikbakke in #7941
- DirectoryChooserUI button position adjustments by @mbien in #8105
- DirectoryChooserUI: reduce reflective win ShellFolder API usage by @mbien in #8110
- Donate another batch of SVG icons by @eirikbakke in #8083
- Adjust FlatLafDark tab-switcher and selection foreground colors by @mbien in #8175
- Small improvements to the “Show parent folder name in tab title” option by @troizet in #7930
- Add ImageUtilities methods to help migrating away from "new ImageIcon" (SVG icon related) by @eirikbakke in #8114
- Tabcontrol: Use NbBundle to fetch correct translation by @matthiasblaesing in #7970
- Log JDK boot modules on startup. by @mbien in #8059
- Remove java.security.manager=allow flag from windows launcher. by @mbien in #8009
- Update to Windows launcher (2-6c17cc6) and move security manager flag from launcher to config by @mbien in #8122
- Support for UserQuestionException during reloads by @sdedic in #7904
- NB config: disable TopSecurityManager and enable exit logging by @mbien in #8169
Language Server Protocol
- LSP Server: Adding Null Checks in MoveRefactoring code action by @shivam71 in #7923
- Use tripleslash file:/// URIs uniformly. Avoid null text in TextEdits. by @sdedic in #7883
- Hide keybindings for NBLS by @jhorvath in #8033
- Create new output channel for every LspIO by @jhorvath in #8000
- VSCode: Removing option for external formatters. by @dbalek in #8111
- Fix fabric8 license by @jhorvath in #8131
VSCode Extension
- VSCode: Running all tests in project fixed. by @dbalek in #7993
- Fix nanoid and revert default VSIX version by @MartinBalin in #8047
- Dispatch additional test events by @petrovic-d in #8093
- Error handling for TestAdapter and DBConfigurationProvider by @petrovic-d in #8137
- Fix race/error handling issues on NBLS restart. by @sdedic in #8134
- Prevent terminal stealing focus when test in parallel profile exist by @petrovic-d in #8155
- VSNetBeans: Disable SecurityManager [compat:jdk19-24]. Avoid repeated starts on failure. by @sdedic in #8159
- Change parameter order for runDebug, compat with NBLS codelenses. by @sdedic in #8173
- CI: build and start testing on JDK 24-ea by @mbien in #7974
- CI: Lock native binaries builds to ubuntu 22 by @mbien in #8062
- Cleanup the few remaining HashSet warnings. by @BradWalker in #8147
- Cleanup warnings that are related to the use of a Result raw type.. by @BradWalker in #7597
Other Changes
- Implement subword completion for SQL editor by @matthiasblaesing in #7945
New Contributors
- @wumpz made their first contribution in #7892
- @shivam71 made their first contribution in #7923
- @cz6ace made their first contribution in #7972
Full Changelog: 24...25-rc1