Highlight: new colorful UI
Closed issues:
- Enable some output per module or globally #292
- [ENHANCEMENT] mvnd failed while I purposely disabled ~/.m2 directory #278
- mvnd 0.2.0 can no longer resolve our Artifactory server (works for 0.1.1 in same shell) #274
- Cannot build Quarkus after removing ~/.m2/repository/io/quarkus/ or ~/.m2/repository/io/quarkus/gizmo #26
- Messages sent from the server to the client should not end with a \r on windows #304
- Extension support fails to resolve dependencies #300
- Speed up bash completion loading by packaging it as a file in the ZIP distribution #296
- Associate standard output/error streams to a particular plugin execution to have it in the rolling windows #295
- Right-pad projectIds to improve mojo readability in the threaded view #288
- DAG width wrong for triple interdependent graph #287
- Support short variants of boolean properties #279
- mvnd fails when version range is used in extensions.xml #275
- Support launching processes with inherited IO #241
Merged pull requests:
- Replace mvnd --completion by a plain source now the bash file is in t… #308 (rmannibucau)
- Speed up bash completion loading by packaging it as a file in the ZIP… #307 (ppalaga)
- The output of ConsoleMavenTransferListener looks ugly in the client #306 (ppalaga)
- Messages sent from the server to the client should not end with a \r … #305 (ppalaga)
- Fix extension resolution that use jdk activation, fixes #300 #303 (gnodet)
- Rename AbstractLoggingSpy to ClientDispatcher and move it to org.mvndaemon.mvnd.daemon #302 (ppalaga)
- Eliminate mutable global state in AbstractLoggingSpy #301 (ppalaga)
- Support launching processes with inherited IO, fixes #241 #298 (gnodet)
- Fix logging to use an inheritable thread local, fixes #295 #297 (gnodet)
- Document how to install bash completion #290 (famod)
- Right-pad projectIds to improve mojo readability in the threaded view #289 (ppalaga)
- DAG width wrong for parent runtime deployment triple #286 (ppalaga)
- Less global and mutable state #285 (ppalaga)
- Support short variants of boolean properties #280 (ppalaga)