github apache/logging-log4j2 rel/2.23.0

latest releases: rel/2.23.1, rel/3.0.0-beta2
4 months ago

This release adds support for LMAX Disruptor 4.x and several performance and bug fixes.

In order to maintain compatibility with JRE 8, support for LMAX Disruptor 3.x is maintained.


  • Added support for LMAX Disruptor 4.x (#1821)


  • Simplify BND configuration after upgrade from version 6.4.1 to 7.0.0


  • Deprecate the configuration attribute verbose (i.e., <Configuration verbose="...") and StatusConsoleListener filters (#2226)
  • Deprecated the RingBufferLogEventHandler class for removal from the public API in 3.x


  • Fix regression in JdkMapAdapterStringMap performance. (#2238)
  • Fix the behavior of Logger#setLevel and Logger#getLevel in the Log4j 1.2 bridge. (#2282)
  • Fix the behavior of CoreLogger#getLevel and CoreLogger#setLevel in the log4j-jul module. (#2282)
  • Allow deserialization of all arrays of allowed classes. (LOG4J2-3680)
  • Allow the node to appear in any position in the configuration element.
  • Fix forgotten threadName field in RingBufferLogEvent#clear(). (#2234)
  • Fix StringBuilder cache corruption on recursive access.
  • Fixed use of SecurityManager in LoaderUtil where AccessController::doPrivileged should only be invoked when a SecurityManager is installed. Some runtimes do not seem to have this method available. (#2129)
  • Fix log4j-spring-cloud-config-client dependencies to include only those required. (#2157)
  • Fix typo in Kubernetes clientKeyData configuration property.


  • Update com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom to version 2.16.1 (#2126)
  • Update commons-codec:commons-codec to version 1.16.1 (#2277)
  • Update io.netty:netty-bom to version 4.1.107.Final (#2284)
  • Update org.apache.logging:logging-parent to version 10.6.0 (#2197)
  • Update org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom to version 9.4.54.v20240208 (#2287)
  • Update org.jctools:jctools-core to version 4.0.3 (#2270)
  • Update org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to version 5.3.32 (#2293)
  • Update org.zeromq:jeromq to version 0.6.0 (#2271)

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