github apache/incubator-weex 0.19.0

latest releases: 0.29.0-RC1, 0.28.0, 0.28.0-RC1...
5 years ago
  • [WEEX-219][Android] support copy action for text component #1037
  • [WEEX-228][Android] ShouldStopPropagation Use ShortName StopPropagation #1042
  • [WEEX-222][Android] Sticky header in waterfall is not sticky #1041
  • [WEEX-210][Android] Weex Auto Scan Component And Module Discover #1032
  • [WEEX-216][Android] WXAnimation Fix Memory Leak and performance improve #1026
  • [WEEX-368][Android] Turn single process switch on for jsEngine #1178
  • [WEEX-380][Android] Fix weex show abnormally in single process #1188
  • [WEEX-281][Android] Auto Startup Time Quick #1141
  • [WEEX-325][Android] Some MeiZhu Mobole throw NoClassDefFoundError: android/support/design/widget/AppBarLayout$OnOffsetChangedListener #1140
  • [WEEX-299][Android] Touch event will transmit to next layer, requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent should be reset for every touch event #1138
  • [WEEX-303][Android] fix nullPoint #1106
  • [WEEX-218][Android] support leftGap and rightGap for waterfall recycle-list's orientation support update attrs #1031
  • [Weex-260][Android] switch supports setting color #1085
  • [WEEX-224][Android] WXDomObject Destory Method Should Be Called avoid Memory Leak #1086
  • [WEEX-378][Android] wson support for weex-core new architecture and remove rapidjson #1187
  • [WEEX-399][Android] remove extra api js #1203
  • [WEEX-376][Android] Fix div layeroverflow event #1191
  • [WEEX-244][Android] Weex Android Support W3c Force Api #1060
  • [WEEX-240][Android] feature update for weexsandbox #1088
  • [WEEX-261][Android] Flat GUI NullPointerException fix #1081
  • [WEEX-288][Android] bug fix, fix on some case cannot get bundle type #1110
  • [WEEX-342][Android] when animation module or transition parser properties, some propers may be not right, so add try catch to handle the exceptions #1275
  • [WEEX-465][Android] fix performance point interactionTime record bug #1278
  • [WEEX-342][Android] ava.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java util.ArrayList$ #1273
  • [WEEX-565][Android] do not set view's id if there is a id in this view #1436
  • [WEEX-564][Android] fix check screen empty logic #1435
  • [WEEX-562][Android] task may be null ,should be check ,not try/catch #1425
  • [WEEX-560][Android] fix null point of apm && report initJSFM fail info #1422
  • [WEEX-342][Android] ava.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$ #1268
  • [WEEX-457][Android] add back performance point of maxVDomDeep && int… #1262
  • [WEEX-454][Android] fix can't find libweexjss when deploy #1259
  • [WEEX-360][Android] Fix crash when reinit framework #1171
  • [WEEX-430][Android] Delete arm-v7a and x86 so before the program is run. #1235
  • [WEEX-412][Android] support multi vm #1217
  • [WEEX-419][Android] weeks bugfix for weexcore appear #1246
  • [WEEX-498][Android] fix report url is bundleUrlDefault #1313
  • [WEEX-506][Android] try fix report defaultUrl in mutilThread case #1331
  • [WEEX-453][iOS] transform/transformOrigin conflict when updateStyles #1260
  • [WEEX-262][iOS] Add new interface of Instance,which will terminate re… #1079
  • [WEEX-245][iOS] fix CTFont crash on iOS10 #1062
  • [WEEX-241][iOS] add WXVideoComponent "poster" attribute #1051
  • [WEEX-218][iOS] support leftGap and rightGap for waterfall component #1029
  • [WEEX-219][iOS] support copy action for text component #1030
  • [WEEX-215][iOS] recycle-list scroll orientation support #1027
  • [WEEX-375][iOS] add Protocol for PageEventNotifyEvent #1183
  • [WEEX-373][iOS] try to fix the issue about _remove_assocations #1182
  • [WEEX-345][iOS] fix animationModule with needLayout bug with nil propery #1165
  • [WEEX-339][iOS] add componentTime/Count monitor #1150
  • [WEEX-350][iOS] fix anim crash caused by problem that [WXConvert CGFl… #1163
  • [WEEX-343][iOS] Failure of "scaleY" on animationModule #1154
  • [WEEX-313][iOS] fix RTL issue #1134
  • [WEEX-297][iOS] fix iOS 11 save image permission #1119
  • [WEEX-282][iOS] update layout system to support rtl direction #1105
  • [WEEX-270][iOS] WXListComponent should add reload type of data update #1095
  • [WEEX-489][iOS] Fix resource not loaded when using dynamic framework … #1305
  • [WEEX-484][iOS] Failure of parsing transform parameter when in third-party environment #1298
  • [WEEX-468][iOS] Try to fix Fixed component related crash. #1281
  • [WEEX-548][iOS] Weex devtool can not debug recycle list #1395
  • [WEEX-563][iOS] fix the attribute of linear-gradient on iOS #1434
  • [WEEX-559][iOS] Fix issue that handleAppear should be resent for lazil… #1420
  • [WEEX-556][iOS] Fix video play state is not 'play' while set autoplay… #1418
  • [WEEX-555][iOS] fix layout engin bug #1414
  • [WEEX-552][iOS] apm for ios #1412
  • [WEEX-413][iOS] Fix when main thread parse transform cause deadlock #1218
  • [WEEX-513][iOS] Fix build issue #1338
  • [WEEX-513][iOS] Improve WeexSDK project file #1337
  • [WEEX-511][iOS] Fix debug log may crash when there is a retain cycle … #1335
  • [WEEX-501][iOS] Try to fix insert table view cell exception abort on iOS #1322
  • [WEEX-496][iOS] In CoreText mode, origin of first line is incorret un… #1312
  • [WEEX-353][iOS] Add weex-polyfill.js #1164
  • [WEEX-442][Core] Fix compile error #1272
  • [WEEX-442][Core] Fix setViewport #1271
  • [WEEX-458][Core] remove coremanager setxxx returntype #1263
  • [WEEX-433][Core] rm jni code from weexcore #1238
  • [WEEX-386][Core] Fix apply default style #1220
  • [WEEX-405][Core] make wson compilation modular #1210
  • [WEEX-411][Core] Fix memory leak due to return render time #1214
  • [WEEX-370][Core] Use GNU C++ Runtime #1180
  • [WEEX-376][Core] Support layeroverflow event #1186
  • [WEEX-445][jsfm] export requireModule to global #1254
  • [WEEX-397][jsfm] update build script of js framework #1342
  • [WEEX-547][jsfm] Remove module proxy cache of weex.requireModule #1389
  • [WEEX-461][jsfm] Remove useless trace function in js framework #1358

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