github apache/incubator-seata v0.9.0

latest releases: v2.1.0, v2.0.0, v1.8.0...
4 years ago

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#1608] Saga implementation base on state machine
  • [#1625] support custom config and registry type
  • [#1656] support spring cloud config
  • [#1689] support -e startup parameter for specifying the environment name
  • [#1739] support retry when tm commit or rollback failed


  • [#1605] fix deadlocks that can be caused by object locks and global locks and optimize the granularity of locks
  • [#1685] fix pk too long in lock table on db mode and optimize error log
  • [#1691] fix can't access private member of DruidDataSourceWrapper
  • [#1699] fix use 'in' and 'between' in where condition for Oracle and Mysql
  • [#1713] fix LockManagerTest.concurrentUseAbilityTest assertion condition
  • [#1720] fix can't refresh table meta data for oracle
  • [#1729] fix oracle batch insert error
  • [#1735] clean xid when tm commit or rollback failed
  • [#1749] fix undo support oracle table meta cache
  • [#1751] fix memory lock is not released due to hash conflict
  • [#1761] fix oracle rollback failed when the table has null Blob Clob value
  • [#1759] fix saga service method not support interface type parameter
  • [#1401] fix the first registration resource is null when RM starts


  • [#1701] remove unused imports
  • [#1705] Based on Java5 optimization
  • [#1706] optimize inner class to static class
  • [#1707] default charset use StandardCharsets.UTF_8 instead
  • [#1712] abstract undolog manager class
  • [#1722] simplify to make codes more readable
  • [#1726] format log messages
  • [#1738] add server's jvm parameters
  • [#1743] improve the efficiency of the batch log
  • [#1747] use raw types instead of boxing types
  • [#1750] abstract tableMeta cache class
  • [#1755] enhance test coverage of seata-common module
  • [#1756] security: upgrade jackson to avoid security vulnerabilities
  • [#1657] optimize the problem of large direct buffer when file rolling in file storage mode

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

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