github apache/incubator-devlake v0.18.0-beta4

latest releases: v1.0.2-beta5, v1.0.2-beta4, v1.0.2-beta3...
pre-release17 months ago

Bug Fixes

  • [Config UI] Fixes jira remotelink pattern fails silently when value is invalid on transformation setting page: #5737
  • [Config-UI] Fixes missed full name when search scope selected: #5753
  • [Config-UI] Fixes cannot create project with slash (/) in name: #5765
  • [Azure Devops] Fixes unknown column start_time: #5780
  • [Gitlab] Fixes remote scope api the fullname is missing: #5806
  • [Zentao] Fixes incorrect bug status returned by zentao's API for batch bug fetching: #5756
  • [Zentao] Adjusts the issue type/status mapping configuration: #5755
  • [Zentao] Fixes an error occurred during collecting department: #5758
  • [Zentao] Fixes database connection timeout causes zentao testconnection api timeout in devLake: #5804
  • [Dashboard] Fixes the step 4 of CFR is incorrect in the DORA validation dashboard: #5810
  • [Dashboard] Fixes pr cycle time panels in the 'Engineering Overview' dashboard should be pr time to merge: #5814

New Features

  • [Config UI] Jira transformation rule editing to support filtering the options for requirement/bug/incident: #5739
  • [PagerDuty] Add data source dashboard for PagerDuty: #5605
  • [Azure DevOps] Add azure devops custom dashboard: #5781
  • [Zentao] Validate dbUrl parameter during zentao connection creation: #5792

How to Upgrade

Please follow the steps below to upgrade Apache Incubator DevLake:
Important Note: This upgrade requires manual configuration for the "ENCRYPTION_SECRET" (Formerly referred to as 'ENCODE_KEY' in versions preceding v0.18.0). You can copy the value of your existing "ENCODE_KEY" and set it as the value for "ENCRYPTION_SECRET".

For Docker Compose and Kubernetes (k8s) Users:

  1. Update your docker-compose.yml or k8s-deploy.yaml file with the following image tags:
  2. Set the value for "ENCRYPTION_SECRET" by copying the value of your existing "ENCODE_KEY". Please refer to the documentation at Docker Compose Setup for detailed instructions based on your installation method.

For Helm Users:

  1. Follow the instructions provided in the documentation at Helm Setup.
  2. Ensure that you have set the value for "ENCRYPTION_SECRET" by copying the value of your existing "ENCODE_KEY".

Upgrade Notes:
For detailed upgrade instructions and further information, please refer to the documentation at Upgrade Guide.

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