Home: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn
Hi guys! HertzBeat v1.1.1 is coming. This version brings custom monitoring enhancements, and the collected indicator data can be assigned as a variable to the next collection. Fixed several bugs and improved the overall stable usability.
Only one docker command is needed to install and experience heartbeat:
docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat
Thanks to the contributors! 👍👍
- [script] feature update docker base image to openjdk:11.0.15-jre-slim… #205
- [monitor] support use pre collect metrics data to replace next metrics config params #206.
- [collector] use basic auth with raw HTTP headers instead of preemptive #212
- [manager,alerter] support wework, dingDing, flyBook webhook url config #213
- [monitor] feature update numeric metrics all contain decimal points #217
- [web-app]feature:toggle [enable and cancel] button #218
- [manager] update define yml file name add prefix "app" or "param" #221
- [update] docker-compose 添加jpa自动执行脚本,删除sql脚本 #198 contribute by @DevilX5 .
- Doc#param names refactor #199 contribute by @DevilX5
- [manager] bugfix oracle performance metrics collect error, update win name #201.
- [common] bugfix alert status can not update #203
- [manager] bugfix update windows monitor type name #204
- fix time zone todo issue #210 contribute by @djzeng
- [common] bugfix SnowFlakeId cannot exceed hexadecimal 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFF #211
- [manager] 修改监控页面取消监控功能再启动监控导致多生成jobId,原有监控项目并没有真实取消 #215 contribute by @yangshihui
- [warehouse] bugfix exception when tdengine create table SQL contain special char #220
Online https://console.tancloud.cn.
Have Fun!
官网: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn
大家好,HertzBeat v1.1.0 发布啦!这个版本带来了自定义监控增强,采集指标数据可以作为变量赋值给下一个采集。修复了若干bug,提升整体稳定性。
只需要一条docker命令即可安装体验heartbeat :
docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat
- [script] feature 升级docker的基础镜像为 openjdk:11.0.15-jre-slim #205
- [monitor] 支持前置采集指标数据作为变量赋值给下一采集流程 #206.
- [collector] 使用基本的http headers头实现basic auth替换前置模式 #212
- [manager,alerter] 支持告警通知设置丁丁微信飞书自定义 webhook url #213
- [monitor] feature 更新数值指标数据不带末尾为0的小数点 #217
- [web-app]feature:toggle [enable and cancel] button #218
- [manager] 更新监控define yml文件前缀名称 "app" or "param",便于自定义监控区别 #221
- [update] docker-compose 添加jpa自动执行脚本,删除sql脚本 #198 contribute by @DevilX5 .
- 修复自定义监控描述文档 #199 contribute by @DevilX5
- [manager] bugfix oracle performance 指标采集异常问题 #201.
- [common] bugfix 告警状态无法页面手动更新问题 #203
- [manager] bugfix windows监控类型名称错误问题 #204
- fix time zone todo issue #210 contribute by @djzeng
- [common] bugfix 雪花算法生成ID大小超出 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFF 导致前端不识别问题 #211
- [manager] 修改监控页面取消监控功能再启动监控导致多生成jobId,原有监控项目并没有真实取消 #215 contribute by @yangshihui
- [warehouse] 修复tdengine对特殊字段建表失败导致数据无法入库问题 #220
Online https://console.tancloud.cn.