github apache/echarts 5.5.1

6 days ago
  • [Feature] [axis] Support custom axis tick/label positions. #19919 (dvdkon) (Ovilia)
  • [Feature] [bar] Add startValue option. #17078 (jiawulin001)
  • [Feature] [sankey] Add itemStyle.borderRadius option. #19763 (deftliang)
  • [Feature] [time] Add meridian template {a}/{A}. #19888 (maurodesouza)
  • [Feature] [geo] Add totalZoom parameter for the georoam event. #19837 (zhaoxinggang)
  • [Feature] [treemap] Add scaleLimit option to limit the zooming. #18304 (liuyizhou)
  • [Fix] [series] Avoid error caused by seriesData.getLinkedData. #19901 (plainheart)
  • [Fix] [marker] Fix marker label formatter can't get series information. #19898 (plainheart)
  • [Fix] [aria] Avoid error in SSR mode. #19892 (OverflowCat)
  • [Fix] [data] Avoid error when using BigInt values. #19847 (zettca)
  • [Fix] [pie] Fix endAngle is not applied on the empty circle. #19642 (plainheart)
  • [Fix] [toolbox] Fix uncaught reference error in the environment that MouseEvent doesn't exist. #19620 (plainheart)
  • [Fix] [tooltip] Fix tooltip XSS issue when legend name is HTML string. #20045 (plainheart)
  • [Fix] [type] Fix that in users' .d.ts import('echarts/types/dist/shared') can not visit 'echarts/types/dist/shared.d.ts' since v5.5.0. #20030 (100pah)

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