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Druid 0.23.0

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2 years ago

Apache Druid 0.23.0 contains over 450 new features, bug fixes, performance enhancements, documentation improvements, and additional test coverage from 81 contributors. See the complete set of changes for additional details.

# New Features

# Query engine

# Grouping on arrays without exploding the arrays

You can now group on a multi-value dimension as an array. For a datasource named "test":

{"timestamp": "2011-01-12T00:00:00.000Z", "tags": ["t1","t2","t3"]}  #row1
{"timestamp": "2011-01-13T00:00:00.000Z", "tags": ["t3","t4","t5"]}  #row2
{"timestamp": "2011-01-14T00:00:00.000Z", "tags": ["t5","t6","t7"]}  #row3
{"timestamp": "2011-01-14T00:00:00.000Z", "tags": []}                #row4

The following query:

  "queryType": "groupBy",
  "dataSource": "test",
  "intervals": [
  "granularity": {
    "type": "all"
  "virtualColumns" : [ {
    "type" : "expression",
    "name" : "v0",
    "expression" : "mv_to_array(\"tags\")",
    "outputType" : "ARRAY<STRING>"
  } ],
  "dimensions": [
      "type": "default",
      "dimension": "v0",
      "outputName": "tags"
  "aggregations": [
      "type": "count",
      "name": "count"

Returns the following:

    "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "event": {
      "count": 1,
      "tags": "[]"
    "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "event": {
      "count": 1,
      "tags": "["t1","t2","t3"]"
    "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "event": {
      "count": 1,
      "tags": "[t3","t4","t5"]"
    "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "event": {
      "count": 2,
      "tags": "["t5","t6","t7"]"


# Specify a column other than __time column for row comparison in first/last aggregators

You can pass time column in *first/*last aggregators by using LATEST_BY / EARLIEST_BY SQL functions. This provides support for cases where the time is stored as a part of a column different than "__time". You can also specify another logical time column.

# Improvements to querying user experience

This release includes several improvements for querying:

  • Added the SQL query ID to response header for failed SQL query to aid in locating the error messages (#11756)
  • Added input type validation for DataSketches HLL (#12131)
  • Improved JDBC logging (#11676)
  • Added SQL functions MV_FILTER_ONLY and MV_FILTER_NONE to filter rows of multi-value string dimensions to include only the supplied list of values or none of them respectively (#11650)
  • Added ARRAY_CONCAT_AGG to aggregate array inputs together into a single array (#12226)
  • Added the ability to authorize the usage of query context parameters (#12396)
  • Improved query IDs to make it easier to link queries and sub-queries for end-to-end query visibility (#11809)
  • Added a safe divide function to protect against division by 0 (#11904)
  • You can now add a query context to internally generated SegmentMetadata query (#11429)
  • Added support for Druid complex types to the native expression processing system to make all Druid data usable within expressions (#11853, #12016)
  • You can control the size of the on-heap segment-level dictionary via druid.query.groupBy.maxSelectorDictionarySize when grouping on string or array-valued expressions that do not have pre-existing dictionaries.
  • You have better protection against filter explosion during CNF conversion (#12314) (#12324)
  • You can get the complete native query on explaining the SQL query by setting useNativeQueryExplain to true in query context (#11908)
  • You can have broker ignore real time nodes or specific historical tiers. (#11766) (#11732)

# Streaming Ingestion

# Kafka input format for parsing headers and key

We've introduced a Kafka input format so you can ingest header data in addition to the message contents. For example:

  • the event key field
  • event headers
  • the Kafka event timestamp
  • the Kafka event value that stores the payload.


# Kinesis ingestion - Improvements

We have made following improvements in kinesis ingestion

  • Re-sharding can affect and slow down ingestion as many intermediate empty shards are created. These shards get assigned to tasks causing imbalance in load assignment. You can set skipIgnorableShards to true in kinesis ingestion tuning config to ignore such shards. (#12235)
  • Currently, kinesis ingestion uses DescribeStream to fetch the list of shards. This call is deprecated and slower. In this release, you can switch to a newer API listShards by setting useListShards to true in kinesis ingestion tuning config. (#12161)

# Native Batch Ingestion

# Multi-dimension range partitioning

Multi-dimension range partitioning allows users to partition their data on the ranges of any number of dimensions. It develops further on the concepts behind "single-dim" partitioning and is now arguably the most preferable secondary partitioning, both for query performance and storage efficiency.

# Improved replace data behavior

In previous versions of Druid, if ingested data with dropExisting flag to replace data, Druid would retain the existing data for a time chunk if there was no new data to replace it. Now, if you set dropExisting to true in your ioSpec and ingest data for a time range that includes a time chunk with no data, Druid uses a tombstone to overshadow the existing data in the empty time chunk.

This release includes several improvements for native batch ingestion:

  • Druid now emits a new metric when a batch task finishes waiting for segment availability. (#11090)
  • Added segmentAvailabilityWaitTimeMs, the duration in milliseconds that a task waited for its segments to be handed off to Historical nodes, to IngestionStatsAndErrorsTaskReportData (#11090)
  • Added functionality to preserve existing metrics during ingestion (#12185)
  • Parallel native batch task can now provide task reports for the sequential and single phase mode (e.g., used with dynamic partitioning) as well as single phase mode subtasks (#11688)
  • Added support for RowStats in druid/indexer/v1/task/{task_id}/reports API for multi-phase parallel indexing task (#12280)
  • Fixed the OOM failures in the dimension distribution phase of parallel indexing (#12331)
  • Added support to handle null dimension values while creating partition boundaries (#11973)

# Improvements to ingestion in general

This release includes several improvements for ingestion in general:

  • Removed the template modifier from IncrementalIndex<AggregatorType> because it is no longer required
  • You can now use JsonPath functions in JsonPath expressions during ingestion (#11722)
  • Druid no longer creates a materialized list of segment files and elimited looping over the files to reduce OOM issues (#11903)
  • Added an intermediate-persist IndexSpec to the main "merge" method in IndexMerger (#11940)
  • Granularity.granularitiesFinerThan now returns ALL if you pass in ALL (#12003)
  • Added a configuation parameter for appending tasks to allow them to use a SHARED lock (#12041)
  • SchemaRegistryBasedAvroBytesDecoder now throws a ParseException instead of RE when it fails to retrieve a schema (#12080)
  • Added includeAllDimensions to dimensionsSpec to put all explicit dimensions first in InputRow and subsequently any other dimensions found in input data (#12276)
  • Added the ability to store null columns in segments (#12279)

# Compaction

This release includes several improvements for compaction:

  • Automatic compaction now supports complex dimensions (#11924)
  • Automatic compaction now supports overlapping segment intervals (#12062)
  • You can now configure automatic compaction to calculate the ratio of slots available for compaction tasks from maximum slots, including autoscaler maximum worker nodes (#12263)
  • You can now configure the Coordinator auto compaction duty period separately from other indexing duties (#12263)
  • Default inputSegmentSizeBytes is now changed to ~ 100 TB (#12534)
  • You can change query granularity, change dimension schema, filter data, add metrics through auto-compaction (#11856) (#11874) (#11922) (#12125)
  • You can control roll-up as well for auto and manual compaction (#11850)


# Human-readable and actionable SQL error messages

Until version 0.22.1, if you issued an unsupported SQL query, Druid would throw very cryptic and unhelpful error messages. With this change, error messages include exactly the part of the SQL query that is not supported in Druid. For example, if you run a scan query that is ordered on a dimension other than the time column.


# Cancel API for SQL queries

We've added a new API to cancel SQL queries, so you can now cancel SQL queries just like you can cancel native queries. You can use the API from the web console. In previous versions, cancellation from the console only closed the client connection while the SQL query kept running on Druid.


# Improved SQL compatibility

We have made changes to expressions that make expression evaluation more SQL compliant. This new behaviour is disabled by default. It can be enabled by setting druid.expressions.useStrictBooleans to true. We recommend enabling this behaviour since it is also more performant in some cases.


# Improvements to SQL user experience

This release includes several additional improvements for SQL:

  • You no longer need to include a trailing slash / for JDBC connections to Druid (#11737)
  • You can now use scans as outer queries (#11831)
  • Added a class to sanitize JDBC exceptions and to log them (#11843)
  • Added type headers to response format to make it easier for clients to interpret the results of SQL queries (#11914)
  • Improved the way the DruidRexExecutor handles numeric arrays (#11968)
  • Druid now returns an empty result after optimizing a GROUP BY query to a time series query (#12065)
  • As an administrator, you can now configure the implementation for APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT and COUNT(DISTINCT expr) in approximate mode (#11181)

# Coordinator/Overlord

  • Coordinator can be overwhelmed by the connections from other druid services, especially when TLS is enabled. You can mitigate this by setting to false in common runtime properties.

# Web console

  • Query view can now cancel all queries issued from it (#11738)
  • The auto refresh functions will now run in foreground only (#11750) this prevents forgotten background console tabs from putting any load on the cluster.
  • Add a Segment size (in bytes) column to the Datasources view (#11797)


  • Format numbers with commas in the query view (#12031)
  • Add a JSON Diff view for supervisor specs (#12085)


  • Improve the formatting and info contents of code auto suggestion docs (#12085)


  • Add shard detail column to segments view (#12212)


  • Avoid refreshing tables if a menu is open (#12435)
  • Misc other bug fixes and usability improvements

# Metrics

# Query metrics now also set the vectorized dimension by default. This can be helpful in understanding performance profile of queries.


# Auto-compaction duty also report duty metrics now. A dimension to indicate the duty group has also been added.


This release includes several additional improvements for metrics:

  • Druid includes the Prometheus emitter by defult (#11812)
  • Fixed the missing conversionFactor in Prometheus emitter (12338)
  • Fixed an issue with the ingest/events/messageGap metric (#12337)
  • Added metrics for Shenandoah GC (#12369)
  • Added metrics as follows: Cpu and CpuSet to java.util.metrics.cgroups, ProcFsUtil for procfs info, and CgroupCpuMonitor and CgroupCpuSetMonitor (#11763)
  • Added support to route data through an HTTP proxy (#11891)
  • Added more metrics for Jetty server thread pool usage (#11113)
  • Added worker category as a dimension TaskSlot metric of the indexing service (#11554)
  • Added partitioningType dimension to segment/added/bytes metric to track usage of different partitioning schemes (#11902)
  • Added query laning metrics to visualize lane assignment (#12111)

# Cloud integrations

# Allow authenticating via Shared access resource for azure storage


# Other changes

  • Druid now processes lookup load failures more quickly (#12397)
  • BalanceSegments#balanceServers now exits early when there is no balancing work to do (#11768)
  • DimensionHandler now allows you to define a DimensionSpec appropriate for the type of dimension to handle (#11873)
  • Added an interface for external schema providers to Druid SQL (#12043)

# Security fixes

# Support for access control on setting query contexts

Today, any context params are allowed to users. This can cause 1) a bad UX if the context param is not matured yet or 2) even query failure or system fault in the worst case if a sensitive param is abused, ex) maxSubqueryRows. Druid now has an ability to limit context params per user role. That means, a query will fail if you have a context param set in the query that is not allowed to you.

The context parameter authorization can be enabled using Druid.auth.authorizeQueryContextParams. This is disabled by default to enable a smoother upgrade experience.


# Other security improvements

This release includes several additional improvements for security:

  • You can now optionally enable auhorization on Druid system tables (#11720)
  • Log4j2 has been upgraded to 2.17.1 (#12106)

# Performance improvements

# Ingestion

  • More accurate memory estimations while building an on-heap incremental index. Rather than using the maximum possible aggregated row size, Druid can now use (based on a task context flag) a closer estimate of the actual heap footprint of an aggregated row. This enables the indexer to fit more rows in memory before performing an intermediate persist. (#12073)


  • Vectorized virtual column processing is enabled by default. It will improve performance for majority of the queries. (#12520)
  • Improved performance for SQL queries with large IN filters. You can achieve better performance by reducing inSubQueryThreshold in SQL query context. (#12357)
  • time_shift is now vectorized (#12254)

# Bug fixes

Druid 0.23.0 contains over 68 bug fixes. You can find the complete list here

# Upgrading to 0.23.0

Consider the following changes and updates when upgrading from Druid 0.22.x to 0.23.0. If you're updating from an earlier version than 0.22.1, see the release notes of the relevant intermediate versions.

# Auto-killing of segments

In 0.23.0, Auto killing of segments is now enabled by default (#12187). The new defaults should kill all unused segments older than 90 days. If users do not want this behavior on an upgrade, they should explicitly disable the behavior. This is a risky change since depending on the interval, segments will be killed immediately after being marked unused. this behavior will be reverted or changed in the next druid release. Please see (#12693) for more details.

# Other changes

  • Kinesis ingestion requires listShards API access on the stream.
  • Kafka clients libraries have been upgraded to 3.0.0 (#11735)
  • The dynamic coordinator config, percentOfSegmentsToConsiderPerMove has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Druid. It is being replaced by a new segment picking strategy introduced in (#11257). This new strategy is currently toggled off by default, but can be toggled on if you set the dynamic coordinator config useBatchedSegmentSampler to true. Setting this as such, will disable the use of the deprecated percentOfSegmentsToConsiderPerMove. In a future release, useBatchedSegmentSampler will become permanently true. (#11960)

# Developer notices

# updated airline dependency to 2.x is no longer maintained and so druid has upgraded to (Airline 2) to use an actively
maintained version, while minimizing breaking changes.

This is a backwards incompatible change, and custom extensions relying on the CliCommandCreator extension point will also need to be updated.


# Return 404 instead of 400 for unknown supervisors or tasks

Earlier supervisor/task endpoint return 400 when a supervisor or a task is not found. This status code is not friendly and confusing for the 3rd system. And according to the definition of HTTP status code, 404 is right code for such case. So we have changed the status code from 400 to 404 to eliminate the ambigiuty. Any clients of these endpoints should change the response code handling accordingly.


# Return 400 instead of 500 when SQL query cannot be planned

Any SQL query that cannot be planned by Druid is not considered a bad request. For such queries, we now return 400. Developers using SQL API should change the response code handling if needed.


# ResponseContext refactoring

0.23.0 changes the the ResponseContext and it's keys in a breaking way. The prior version of the response context suggested that keys be defined in an enum, then registered. This version suggests that keys be defined as objects, then registered. See the ResponseContext class itself for the details.


# Other changes

  • SingleServerInventoryView has been removed. (#11770)
  • LocalInputSource does not allow ingesting same file multiple times. (#11965)
  • getType() in PostAggregator is deprecated in favour of getType(ColumnInspector) (#11818)

# Known issues

For a full list of open issues, please see Bug .

# Credits

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!


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