github apache/cassandra-gocql-driver v1.5.0

latest releases: v1.7.0, v1.7.0-rc1, v1.6.0...
17 months ago


  • gocql now advertises the driver name and version in the STARTUP message to the server.
    The values are taken from the Go module's path and version
    (or from the replacement module, if used). (#1702)
    That allows the server to track which fork of the driver is being used.
  • Query.Values() to retrieve the values bound to the Query.
    This makes writing wrappers around Query easier. (#1700)


  • Potential panic on deserialization (#1695)
  • Unmarshalling of dates outside of [1677-09-22, 2262-04-11] range. (#1692)

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