github apache/camel-k v1.3.0

latest releases: 1.10.4-nightly, v1.10.3, pkg/kamelet/repository/v1.10.3...
3 years ago

New Features

Other Notable Changes

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Should 'kamel uninstall --all' also delete camel-k-registry-secret? #1859
  • Integration with Prometheus trait doesn't deploy on Minikube #1848
  • Unable to use Kamelet spec in a custom CRD #1837
  • Multiple knative revisions created when integration has multiple spec.configuration items #1824
  • Release 1.2.1 #1823
  • Support for kamelet repository #1818
  • Telegram Kamlet sets CloudEvent source attribute to Knative sink #1813
  • Move released images to a hub without rate limits #1761
  • Define default global Kamelets #1675
  • Enable SinkBinding automatically #1654
  • Document the --config option in the kamel CLI #1185
  • Basic module structure for Camel K projects #1135

Merged pull requests:

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