github apache/beam v2.27.0
Beam 2.27.0 release

latest releases: v2.57.0, sdks/v2.57.0, v2.57.0-RC1...
3 years ago

We are happy to present the new 2.27.0 release of Apache Beam. This release includes both improvements and new functionality.
See the download page for this release.
For more information on changes in 2.27.0, check out the
detailed release notes.


  • Java 11 Containers are now published with all Beam releases.
  • There is a new transform ReadAllFromBigQuery that can receive multiple requests to read data from BigQuery at pipeline runtime. See PR 13170, and BEAM-9650.


  • ReadFromMongoDB can now be used with MongoDB Atlas (Python) (BEAM-11266.)
  • ReadFromMongoDB/WriteToMongoDB will mask password in display_data (Python) (BEAM-11444.)
  • There is a new transform ReadAllFromBigQuery that can receive multiple requests to read data from BigQuery at pipeline runtime. See PR 13170, and BEAM-9650.

New Features / Improvements

  • Beam modules that depend on Hadoop are now tested for compatibility with Hadoop 3 (BEAM-8569). (Hive/HCatalog pending)
  • Publishing Java 11 SDK container images now supported as part of Apache Beam release process. (BEAM-8106)
  • Added Cloud Bigtable Provider extension to Beam SQL (BEAM-11173, BEAM-11373)
  • Added a schema provider for thrift data (BEAM-11338)
  • Added combiner packing pipeline optimization to Dataflow runner. (BEAM-10641)

Breaking Changes

  • HBaseIO hbase-shaded-client dependency should be now provided by the users (BEAM-9278).
  • --region flag in amazon-web-services2 was replaced by --awsRegion (BEAM-11331).

List of Contributors

According to git shortlog, the following people contributed to the 2.27.0 release. Thank you to all contributors!

Ahmet Altay, Alan Myrvold, Alex Amato, Alexey Romanenko, Aliraza Nagamia, Allen Pradeep Xavier,
Andrew Pilloud, andreyKaparulin, Ashwin Ramaswami, Boyuan Zhang, Brent Worden, Brian Hulette,
Carlos Marin, Chamikara Jayalath, Costi Ciudatu, Damon Douglas, Daniel Collins,
Daniel Oliveira, David Huntsperger, David Lu, David Moravek, David Wrede,
dennis, Dennis Yung, dpcollins-google, Emily Ye, emkornfield,
Esun Kim, Etienne Chauchot, Eugene Nikolaiev, Frank Zhao, Haizhou Zhao,
Hector Acosta, Heejong Lee, Ilya, Iñigo San Jose Visiers, InigoSJ,
Ismaël Mejía, janeliulwq, Jan Lukavský, Kamil Wasilewski, Kenneth Jung,
Kenneth Knowles, Ke Wu, kileys, Kyle Weaver, lostluck,
Matt Casters, Maximilian Michels, Michal Walenia, Mike Dewar, nehsyc,
Nelson Osacky, Niels Basjes, Ning Kang, Pablo Estrada, palmere-google,
Pawel Pasterz, Piotr Szuberski, purbanow, Reuven Lax, rHermes,
Robert Bradshaw, Robert Burke, Rui Wang, Sam Rohde, Sam Whittle,
Siyuan Chen, Tim Robertson, Tobiasz Kędzierski, tszerszen,
Valentyn Tymofieiev, Tyson Hamilton, Udi Meiri, vachan-shetty, Xinyu Liu,
Yichi Zhang, Yifan Mai, yoshiki.obata, Yueyang Qiu

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