Added openCypher functionality for standard and user defined functions.
- Added the following openCypher functions:
- Trigonometric: e, sqrt, exp, log, log10, degrees, radians, pi, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, & atan2.
- String: replace, split, left, right, substring, rTrim, lTrim, trim, toUpper, toLower, reverse, & toString.
- Numeric: rand, abs, ceil, floor, round, & sign.
- Added user defined functions of the form:
- schema.function
- Added the following openCypher functions:
Currently working on aggregate function support.
- Added the following openCypher aggregate functions:
- min, max, stDev, stDevP, percentileCont, percentileDisc & count.
- avg & sum are added but may need to be reworked.
- Added the following openCypher aggregate functions:
Added Exists clause:
- exists(property)
- exists(pattern)
Property Constraints
- The MATCH clause supports using property constraints.
Set Clause Added
- Support for updating a single property value
- Multiple SET clauses can be used in a single query
- Supported to work with MATCH, CREATE, and REMOVE clauses
Remove Clause Added
- Support for removing a single property values
- Multiple REMOVE clauses can be used in a single query
- Supported to work with MATCH, CREATE, and SET clauses
Define Extension’s Behaviour when dropped
- Added a process to occur when the extension is dropped in Postgres.