- Using delta updates
- Improved auto-layout for all windows, currently in test
- Improved method/format dock/window connectors (fixed for some localizations)
- Updated UnrarKit to v2.9-beta5 (Thanks to @abbeycode)
- Fixed Shrink heap buffer overflow (CVE-2017-17969) (Thanks to Igor Pavlov, landave.io and @rpkoller for the tip) #130
- Fixed queue password handling (Thanks to @digitall-it) #140
- Fixed error on queue system (Thanks to @gingerbeardman) #133
- Added Catalan translation (Thanks to @BennyBeat) #99
- Updates to some localizations (Thanks to @maxsky, @jrthsr700tmax, @lboratynski and VinBoiSoft)
- New log handling (https://github.com/aonez/Keka/wiki/Console-verbose#more-verbose)