github antonmedv/fx 30.0.0

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9 months ago

Fx - terminal JSON viewer.

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I've taken fx back to the drawing board and completely rewritten it from the ground up. Excited to share what's new:

  1. πŸš€ Going Big: fx now gracefully handles even the most massive JSON files.
  2. 🌈 A New TUI Look: Dive deep into your data with a revamped terminal interfaceβ€”now with themes!
  3. 🐾 Swift Navigation with Dig Fuzzy Search: Feeling lost in JSON? Just type . and navigate with ease.
  4. πŸ” Powerful Regex Search: Scan across your entire JSON content with precision.
  5. πŸ“œ Elegant Long String Wraps: No more cut-offs. Your strings wrap beautifully now.
  6. ✏️ All Things JSON: Added love for comments, trailing commas, and JSON streams.

Pouring my heart and soul into this rewrite has been a journey to make fx faster and more powerful. If you find value in what I've crafted and want to support its future, consider sponsoring on GitHub. πŸ™

Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

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