0.5.8 (2022-07-02)
If you appreciate this project and would like to express your support, please give us a ⭐ on GitHub and a review on the store you downloaded it from.
Don't forget to report bugs or send us feedback, this will allow us to build a more stable and complete application.
- Context shortcut to disconnect from left bar (e97da37)
- MySQL: Option to disable foreign key checks when empty a table (902c29f)
Bug Fixes
- Connection string field doesn't appear switching to Postgre when editing a connection (6573fe6)
- Double context menu on table settings rows (91d0735)
- Editor gutter pin not working (cfd82c8)
- exception on new scheduler tab (a45d76e)
- Focus goes outside modals with tab key navigation (e42c424)
- Result table cells/rows not loses focus clicking outside (0a3a482)
- UI: Wrong tables scrollable height after switching tabs (8f01740)
- Windows: white window buttons with dark theme (a80d227)
- Windows: Windows 7 style window frame at startup (93ce619)