0.5.11 (2022-07-19)
Bug Fixes
- Console events disabled in production (0b1aa3d)
- Filter persists switching temporary table tabs (bf768c3)
- Unable to edit table fields content on tables with datetime fields (91e0630)
0.5.10 (2022-07-18)
Hello Antares users!
With this update we have introduced a console where users can read every query executed under the hood.
This features has the main goal to give users more understanding and make more easy the bug detection/report.
If you appreciate this project and would like to express your support, please give us a ⭐ on GitHub and a review on the store you downloaded it from.
Don't forget to report bugs or send us feedback, this will allow us to build a more stable and complete application.
- Query console implementation (6a6f43a)
- Ctrl+PgUp & Ctrl+PgDn to navigate between tabs (abf8298)
- Field names suggestion for tables in the query (b71f04e)
Bug Fixes
- Fields content language detection not working properly (a91fa8f)
- Unable to delete by select all in left bar search, closes #368 (7725faf)
- Unable to update data on tables missing primary or unique key (e0946f0)
- UI: Improved visibility of explore bar tooltips (f312cf5)