0.1.2 (2021-04-11)
- In-app latest release changelog (1e938ad)
- PostgreSQL: edit timezone in cell editor (8735a0c)
- PostgreSQL: procedures management (3dde1c1)
- PostgreSQL: support of arrays in table settings (d0b3e1b)
Bug Fixes
- Cell edit doesn't properly use primary or unique index to update if both present, closes #51 (55932fe)
- deletion of rows from query results (c20bff7)
- No foreign key select when cell value is NULL, closes #50 (9f5ec02)
- Wrong datetime conversion when updating a row without an unique key (d374372)
- PostgreSQL: issue with selected schema different than public (49a4e1c)
- UI: white readonly inputs with dark theme (bb5f446)
- UI: improved setting modal rendering (be816e8)