- feat(components): Add translation for Slovak and Czech (#6802). #6802 @craftedsro
- fix(layout):fix drawer bgColor error. 907bead
- fix(layout): remove ProLayout defaultProps. 7d1891f
- fix(layout): slove menu content inlineflex & child not 100% problem (#6819). #6819 @ONLY-yours
- fix(layout): Provide a hack method to bypass the breadcrumb error check of antd and remove the error message.. bcb32b9
- feat(form): introduce proFieldProps in BaseFormProps and pass it to all Fields with the lowest priority (#6847). #6847 @shijistar
- feat(table): ProTable 的 toolbar.tabs 和 toolbar.menu 配置下增加 defaultActiveKey 选项 (#6818). #6818 @hans000
- fix(card): remove reset fontFamily. b33dfef
- fix(card): fix StatisticCard value style error. 5de24b7
- fix(descriptions): fix Descriptions action no center error. 11c1166